Monday, October 1, 2012


Did you know that October is MOYA---the month of the young adolescent ? No one has to tell you that adolescence is an exciting and sometimes confusing time of discovery in the human life. Use this blog post to share your ideas about adolescence. Consider how life has changed for you in the past several years. How do you expect it will change in the near future? What does it mean to be an adolescent in 2012? What are the likes, dislikes, and crazy obsessions of the adolescent? What are the fears, hopes, and dreams of today’s adolescent? Consider, also, what special qualities adolescents have that others don’t. 


  1. adolescent is a long and confusing period in life, but in can also be fun. you get more responsibility which can mean more freedom or more work. It can be bitter sweet.

  2. Being a 2012 adolecsent means that you are in that special generation. It means you're between 10 and 15, and you are still trying to find who you are. In your MOYA years, you go to both middle school and high school and you become both a tween and a teen in theose young adolecsent years. Mostly, to a lot of these adolecsents, growing up is most important though...


  3. Adolescent hood is very different than all other times. We have cray obsessions, we go through a period of change, and we have hopes, dreams, and fears. Adolescents see, act, and feel different than everybody else. E.D.

  4. what is moya? moya is the month of the young adolescents. as i have became an adolescent many things have changed for me. i went from a size 8 1/2 shoe to an 11 size in less than a year. i also grew 7 inches taller over the summer.being an adolescent is scary at times especially because my mom hates it that im taller than her now. its also really fun because you can do more than when you where a kid. being an adolescent is fun- chase reese

  5. adolescents is a period in life were you are not a child, but not an aduld either. It can be confusng, but in the end you may remember adolescents as the best time of your life.

  6. This stage of our lives is the most complicated and weird time for us teenagers. So many things change in such a little time that it is hard to keep track of what happened. The transition from elementary school to middle school is hard as well. Luckily, at Riverside, they prepared us by giving us first to fourth period classes, just like middle school.

    Hopes of an adolescent are usually something along the lines of: I hope I don't mess up talking to this really cute boy! Or things like: OMG if I don't get a 100% on this test my life is over!!! Basic middleschoolers going through the hardships and changes of being a teen.

    (I would know, I turned 13 yesterday.)

    -M. E. Hince

  7. Being a tween can be hard at times because of outside distractons and peer pressure. When your are a tween people try to make you do things that are dangerous, distructful, and harmful. You might do these things just to fit in, but in reality it isnt cool to do these things. Being a young adolesant can be hard at times, but if you stay positive and hang out with the right people, you can stay away from these distractions.

  8. Years and Years pass by and its finally the month of MOYA. We are growing into the teenage years, which I deeply hate. The word just makes me shiver. Teens in America follow the mainstream news and things that go on and join them. They are really annoying. They watch MTV, dress unapropiately, and do outragoues things. They critisize people, catogrize themselves as the top people, and are hypicritical. I don't want to fall into the cateogory of teens today. One thing good about this is tat you have responsibilities and rights now. You also are treated more mature. You don't have to wear x-tra small size clothes, but in this case, I still do, due to the fact I'm still small! Some teens have obssesions that I just can't understand. Instead of there mainstream things and what they call "original" or "classical" I take my interest in Japanese culture, Anime, Manga (search it up), and writing. I also take interest in video editing, but people may find this "weird" or unmainstream, thus causing me to lock up all my interests in public and only sharin with those who share same interests. It's a bit sad that due to the mainstream way of life I must lock up my interests...

  9. My 2012 MOYA is being a 13 year old. I have been a 13 year old for only a cople of week and the only change that I have really seen in my attude. I have become more open to helping other in there school work. I have tried to ask as many people I can if they need help, or need me to do anything. That is what I feel about MOYA!

  10. I am an adlescence. I have never heard that word until today. I don't know what adlescence is just that I am one.

    ~Emily C

  11. Adolescence. a crazy time in your life where you are changing from a child to an adult. my favorite synonym for "adolesent" is DRAMA!!!! in kindergarten, we didn't fight over who likes whom and calling 'dibs' on someone... just over toys. :P i expect that this will continue until we are about 16 or 17, when we are at least somewhat mature! to be a female adolescent in 2012 is to be in love with a boy band, a hot teen celb or just some guy.

  12. The major change in adolescents for me would be me getting taller. During fifth grade, I bet I got 1 foot taller!I have also gotten a lot smarter. My green years, so I better get used tade average is climbing every year. These changes are going to affect me until I am out of my teen years, so I better get used to it. W.S.

  13. Adolescence is a time in life between your childhood and adulthood.People change over between that time.Like when I was young and i was under 5, I had so much fun playing and relaxing all day with my parents,but when i got older i got to higher grades like fifth and i got taller and more mature.

    ~Jin the /\///\/|_//-\

  14. when we think of an adolescent we think an abnocius, dumb kid who can take care of them selves but do the wrong things. we may seem stupid but really were not at this state every thing is diffrrent our body and mind go through changes for us you our obsesions are crazy dont even get me started about the girls like omg does my hair loo nice im gonna post abunch of pictures about me on facebook n.c

  15. Adolescence is an important period of time. It is when you change between childhood and adulthood. When we are little kids, we are relaxed and we don't worry about anything. When we grow upa little bit, we have more responsibilities to fulfill. So being an adolescent can be fun at times, but it can also have its bad moments. That's my opnion about adolsecence.

  16. what do i think about moya i think its kinda stupid why is there a month for kids who are turning in to pre teens we know .But besides that its ok.

  17. Adolescence is when you start to change from childhood to adulthood. In my opinion, it's one of the most important times of life. When I was young I would always relax and have fun. I would never think about how my future would be like or what college I would go to. Now that i'm more mature I THink about thse things.
    Robert Gemmell

  18. MOYA
    An adolesent is a stage in life here you are not a baby, but becoming an adult. Life has changed drastically while becoming an adolesent. I have learned to become more responsible with pretty much everything. I help my mom do laundary at home and I am more responsible at school too. I think my future will change the same way. I will become more mature. Crazy obbsessions that adolesents have are their phones. Kids and adults don't care about much of that stuff. Fears and hopes for todays adolesents are trying to fit in. All adolesents worry about that. I know for a fact.

  19. Adolescence: a time of change, development, and discovering yourself. I think that having a whole month to honor kids ages 10-15 is great! Since I'm a preteen, I'm only BEGINNING to understanding the new challenges of being a teen, and soon, an adult!! I think that being an adolescence can be helpful, and even FUN if you keep a positive attitude. But, It can also be a challenge. I agree with Nicholes, the fact that it can indeed be a fun time, yet it does have its challenges. I also agree with Preet that it is a time between being a kid, and an adult. adolescence is a fun time, therefore, enjoy it while it lasts!
    -AUBREY G.

  20. Adolescence is basically the growth of humans within the range of 10-15 year old people who grow physically as well as mentally! I'm not even a teen yet, so I'm a tween, but I'm sure in some time, major changes are going to happen, because it's a quick evolution from teen/tween to adult! More than that, parents will expect more of you, mainly in responsibility! They will trust you enough to leave you by yourself once you fully grow up and start to pay for your own expenses, get a house, drive a car, all that! Adolescence will be very challenging, because you need to become more independent, and self-standing, and more mature definitely! More across the years, you are bound to study more, work more, and most obviously NOT slack off on anything! Adolescence are the years of improving, so use it while it lasts!

    - Marvin~
    Guess who that is? That's right, "Presh-Dawg"!

  21. What being a young adolescent means to me is a young adult starting to make choices they never have and making decisions that will decide your future


  22. Moya is mainly a change in attitude in adolescents, rather than physical change. It is true that there are ALSO PHYSICAL CHANGES INVOLVED, however we don't really feel anything, we can just see in photographs how we have changed.
    Our attitude is mainly changed in the ways of thinking differently, and having more radical ideas. Instead of jumping off this cliff is dangerous, it's I wonder if I can jump far enough to land in the deep end the lake.

  23. i think being an adolesent is basicly growing up. adolesent is the grown up term for growing up. being one is everything is new. new thing come out everyday. the world is changing with everything. i love being an adolesent!this is the mouth for adolesent s 10-15.

  24. These days a stereotypical adolescent means video games, social networkingand a general i-dont-care attitude. They only want to hangout with their freinds and survive school. I think we are misunderstood. We are only obsessed with technology because we have outgrown most toys, but aren't ready for a lot of the adult stuff yet. Other than a few bad types we do not mean to hurt anything or anyone, but are just unused to how big we are getting.

  25. BeBeing a 2012 adolescent can have its ups and downs. You are trying to figure out who you are and how you want people to know you as. Adolescence is when you are 10-15, which is your middle and high school years. You are not as moody or have as many responsibilities as adults. YOu are more laid back and care-free. In this stage you are learning how to be yourself. And to me that is very important


  26. Adolescence is when humans grow into adults. This happens between the age of 10-15. At a certain time major changes start to happen. You will have more maturity. Your parents will start to trust you more and give you more things you have to be responsable for. This will be very challenging at the start but get easier as u go. You will also get more independent. Adolescence is where you inprove into an adult. So have fun as a kid while u can.
    Shhanon :)

  27. Ive definitley grown stronger and more confident in the past sports when i was younger i HATED cheering but now i love cheerleading!its the only thing that i think about im thinking of scholarships and cheering after college. im always trying to et better and acheive more. being an adolescent in 2012 is a lot more fun because of all of the technology. being a girl one of my obsessions is justin beiber and other boy bands. one of my dislikes is how everyone expects more from you but one of my likes is because a lot of the younger girls on the lower level teams look up to girls on the higher teams. as an adolescent i see the the world in a fun and exiting way and compared to when i was a kid and saw it as scary and as an adult ill probably see it as boring.

  28. Adolescence is pretty much when your not a baby or an adult. Sorta the same thing execpt you have more responsibilities, school's harder, and people worry about alot of things. People care more about how they look and who they're friends with. If your in another period and your reading this and denying it- its true. People can sometimes get really rude or really nice. Hopefully most people i know wont turn into a kind of person who only has time for themselves :/
    Alyssa H.

  29. Being an adolescent is fun, when you can annoy the poo out of people and not get in serious trouble like go to jail or.............................the DEATH TREATMENT, or silent treatment whoo I hate the silent treatment.I like candy so if you want to be my friend you could just bring me a bag of candy. You see that is my weakness. Other peoples weaknesses are like kryptinite or.................................DEATH, or the silent treatment again I hate the silent treatment.

    Anonomyis Writer (ETHAN JAMES) I was never here???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  30. Life has changed for me because I am no longer dependent, but am not completly independent. This is called interdependence. To be an adolescent is to always want something better. we are disrespectful to our parents, and always want to do something with friends. we like random things, but we might like it one day but not another. we hate to be babied, and don't like the word no.(right guys!)Most of us are wierd, and that is why we are so fun! Most of us are very talkative, and have the attention span of a fly! I LOVE ALPACAS! I HAVE AN A.L.F.!

  31. being an adolescent you go through lots of changes. for me i have changed alot since elementary school. i have matured but im still my goofy self. in the future i expect that i will grow even more mature and will know way more then i know now. being an adolescent is fun. your not to young but your not to old. you hang out with your friends and have lots of fun while being an adolescent. we hate doing chores and most of all listening. but we also have some obsessions like me i am obsessed with soccer. i love it!! in the future i hope to become some kind of athletic director. thats what being an adolescent is all about!

  32. adolescence is a crazy time in your life your changeing from child to adult. in kindergraden everthing is easy and we are all in seventh grade and everthing is differnt. its not even the end yet we are still growing and changing.elementary was totaly differnt than middle school. middle school = DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for me cheerleading took a bigger impact on me than school. i always loved it a changed when i started cheering i went from shy to loud. in the future we will all change to. we will learn our true friends and get through high school. then we will grow more and go to college.

    .......................... T.K..............................

  33. Adolesence is just a simple process, it's most known as you growing, becoming mature, let's say. Once, you grow, you most likely won't stop. I'm a "Tween" myself. Once, you go to high school, you'll get more homework. Never do your homework at the last minute. Honestly, I do my homework at the last minute, sadly. But try to do your homework once it's given, and always try your best. As long as you try, you'll reach your goals. To end this, always remember to just dot your i's and cross your t's.

  34. I think that adolesence is where you are a preteen or a teen.
    I think having a whole month dedicated to kids ages 10-15 is awsome. I thin that adolesence is where you start learning how to drive and be an adult. When you are a adolesence you can be mature and know what to do when something big happens. I think that adolesence is where you turn from your childish ways and become a adult

  35. Adolesence means the time that you grow from age 10-15, and how they change. I like this generation because of all are new technology and inventions and discovery. But i think its awsome because we get more freedom from our parents.SWAG!


  36. Since I was in kindergarten, I have been going to school. As I got older, school progressively got harder. Everything I ever do now revolves around school. I want to have days where I can relax and not worry about getting homework done. Being a young adolecent is supposed to be about having fun and doing what I want to do. But now everything I ever do revolves around school.

  37. The definition of adolecent, is basically the growth of humans ags 10-15. The year 2012, is said to be the year of the technology, and it is. most of an adolecents time spent, is on a computer. there are also lots of obsession in the adolecents mind, like one direction. any ways an adolecent has lots of responsibilitys.

    your friend J.S


  39. adolescense is fun in all but there are alot of danger but it is fun also. you can do things that you couldn't do before. all in all being this age is and well be fun most likely

  40. This month is MOYA. that stands for month of the young adolecsents.being a kid is wounderful because we get to do so many great things. when you become an adolecsent there are a lot of changes that go on but it is just a part of life.when you are younger you dont get to do as much stuff but when you become a teen you have so many cool is great for teens in 2012 because there is so many new and great games and tec. also there is famous singers that everyone loves. that is what it is like being a kid in 2012
    By: SR

  41. First being an adolescent is not fun because my mom dislikes my "Additude" and grounded me for 3 months. Really i havent done anything fun for a while. Being an adolescent in 2012 is OK because i saw a movie in a park a couple months ago. My life has changed being an adolescent because when i was like 7 i could play manhunt till 11:30 at night. Now its I go to school and im in my house for the rest of the day. Do being an adolescent is more of a thumbs down then a thumbs up....... I hope it gets better sooon!

    Best wishes

    Tanner Mazanetz

  42. MOYA, month of young adolesence, is in October. Currently, I am 12 going on 13, and life has many exiting twists. I love the dramatic, fun, exiting times, but they often lead to much confusion, and normally, someone can, and will get hurt. As a small child, my biggest problem was what color crayon to use. Now, I have to make decisions that can and will change my life forever. Some of the biggest teenage crazes are music, fasion, seleborties, boyfriends and girlfriends. Life gets pretty hectic and confusing, but it ends up being pretty fun!

  43. Adolecence in 2012 is kinda cool because there is so much new technology and trends. A crazy obsession is 1 direction and i personally dont like them. Also iphones are really popular and i do like those. I fear as an adolecent that college will be completely different when we get there. Like all futuristic and stuff.

  44. Adolesence is a time when the world's view of you changes. You change, as well, but inside, it takes more than growing up to get a new identity. Your ideas about things are treated as more important by the world, which is sad, because younger children's ideas are just as important, just maybe more unlikely or less thought out.
    I am changing, of course. For example, I have more times when I think and see clearly than when I was young, but then again I can remember a few times when I was only a baby and thought with such clarity, I can still remember it.
    And it's not because I have the mind of an infant ;)
    Adolesence is a big change. Many people aquire strange ideas and change their minds alot, because they are having their personalities defined by their experiances, and they want to ake sure they don't miss something.
    Also, I have noticed that I can memorize things much easier than when I was seven and couldn't remember what keys to press to play the duet to Heart and Soul on the piano with my dad, and I can memorize poems I like and actually remember them.

  45. Responsibility.Responsibility is one of the many things we earn in adolecence.It is when our parents start to expect more from us and start to trust us more.When we were little people thought we were helpless so they payed more attention to us.As we get older we are more capeble of taking care of our selves.Our parents are harder on us the older we get because we know better,we are older and should be more reposible and remember were we put stuff or be more carful if we break something.Moods are also something that we gain in adolecence.Someone may go from nice to mean or mean to nice it depends on the enviroment we live in.People change, expecialy girls.Girls can be really mean sometimes!!Even if we dont like it, it is good for us,it helps us find who we really are inside.:)

  46. when you are an adolecebce you have res[osability and you can also have lots of fun and be very active.bring an adolecencer means you are going through changes and you are becominf mature and you are able to do more. As an adolecence i have goals, hopes and dreams. someday i hope to go to clooege and even get a job tyhe near futer i will get my drives lisens and become a teenager. i will be able to hang out with my friends and do more than what i can do now. i l;ove being an adolecence!

    Emily h

  47. I like adolecence it is a fun time in a young persons life where you have fun. You are more mature and are between 2 important stages in your life. You better have fun while it lasts because once its gone it isnt comming back. once you are out of adolecence you become a young adult with loads of responsibility on you.-camryn

  48. I like it because I get to have more freedom,because my parents trust me. So I am able to do more things. I think my life as an adolescent is fun, esppecially because my friends and I love to have fun with eachother. Also we share the same qualities. some things we have in common is we all love music.
    I am hoping that through school I will still try my best at everything I do. Through adolescent some people may not be honest or kind to others. I think that it is terrible because no matter what, we are all climbing the same ladder. so why not work with each other.
    caroline fernandez

  49. Although adolescents can fear the future or not want to let go of the past, being an adolescent is a very important part in the human life. It's the connection between childhood and adulthood. When you are an adolescent, you learn many important life lessons that will benefit you later in life.

  50. As an adolescent, I'm a lot different than people of other ages. I'm obsessed with crazy, pointless things. I love instagram, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, Maximum Ride, Finnick Odair, Taylor Swift, Meredith (Taylor Swift's Cat), tumblr, Iggy Ride, Gazzy Ride, Alice in Wonderland, Prismacolor Pencils, Sketchbooks, Luna Lovegood, Ed Sheeran, Cowboy Boots, and capitol styles. Yeah... Im weird .__.

  51. Adolescents:
    -about the age 10-15
    -where your parents give you more responsiblitiy
    -the stage where you get a cell phone, laptop, and more
    -right when you're about to enter middle school or you're half way done with high school

  52. during adolecseence i have grown taller and become more mature. Also some of my obssesions are the hunger games,Jennifer lawerence, taylor swift and josh hutcherson. also anything and everything about the hunger games. Some of my dreams are to grow wings like Maximum Ride, to live in a post apocolyptic world, and to be a singer. I am one "special " girl

  53. Adolescence is when you are in your teenage years, your personality goes to the next level.I remember when I wanted to be a mermaid changed to being a doctor. This where the major middle school DRAMA was born too.You also have to very responsible at this age and be able to take care of yourself properly. You probably want to study more at this age and work harder and smarter. You know you're adolescent when you feel you're more responsible and have changed your perspective.

  54. As an adolescent, I have a lot of new responsibilities and expectations to live up to. Being an adolescent is different than being in elementary school, where all you cared about was recess. When you grow up you will discover more feelings, emotions, and things that appeal to you. For instance, you may decide to venture out of your box and try something new. Through that, you may discover some new likes and dislikes.
    As a teen/adolescent you will probably discover more wants. Unfortunately, we can't have it all, and that's just a cold hard fact you will have to cope with. I hope I'll be able to discover new things about myself this year. In life you will meet nerw people and have more experiences. Being an adolescent is the start to those new adventures.
    - Jenna H.

  55. As young adolesences we should all know that we change. We have likse, and dislikes and fears. It gets confusing and sometimes it gets heard. But it is also fun, it is kinda like a chose your own adventure game. No teen, or tween is the same, and i think thats cool how no one thinks the same, or likes the same thing. So, just enjoy your time as an adolesence, because it will go away as fast as it came.
    ~TK <3

  56. Adolesence is the transistion between childhood and adulthood. I think as I grow older I will grow physically and i will get more mature. My dream is to go to Stanford and get a degree. Adolscents are obssesed with technology and weird boy bands {One Direction}.

  57. Adolescents are:
    This is the time when our one goal in life is to just have fun! Some people spend their whole adolescence being scared, stressed, and worried, but im just going to have fun. i dont like to stress out or do a ton of boring else like evrerybody else and i make mistakes but everyone does. Live life to live, not to worry about what other people think about you. :D <31D

  58. As an adolescent, I have a lot of responsibility. I have a lot of energy and have a lot to do with it. Most parents are kindof out of the picture right now. I'm not a rebel, I just have an attitude sometimes. Most of the time, I feel kind of pressured to get to the most popular stuff like Twilight or LMFAO. I'm not really into that stuff. I'm into Lord of the rings (Go Legolas!), One Direction, Maximum Ride(What's up, Fang?), And my fellow unicorns!!

    From, Fredward
    P.S. I'm so excited for the future unicorn takeover!!!

  59. Everyone has changed during the past years. For instance, I have taken up robotics and gamemaking. I have also taken up new interests, like Skylanders. I see myself as a more mature teen that has mastered many things about the computer and with a carreer in technology. To be an adolescent in 2012 means to be a teenager at 12-13 at the least. Some obsessions of the teen are video games. Adolescent times are busier and kind of odd, but overall, it's awesome being an adolescent because of body and mental changes.

  60. Being a young adolescence is difficult with the typical middle school surroundings. To be able to have less struggles, it is best to not worry about how you look, how you dress, who your friends are, and don't worry about what other people think about you. Just be yourself.


  61. Life really has changed for me over the past years, due to adolsence. The stuffed animals that i used to take everywhere, i haven't touched in ages. What about sports? I wasn't as competitive as I am now. In the future, i still expect changes, but not as dramatic as they were previously. For example, by the time I'm about sixteen or seventeen, I will be driving. A huge milestoan, if you ask me, and my maturity level will be so much higher than it is now! As of right now, being an adolescent usually means you have an obseesion with a social network, and for a girl, boybands! everything you do is mostly done with a friend, too. Don't forget you need your phone to survive!

  62. Adolescents is a period of life where you can become more mature and more trust worthy. You are considered an adolescent when you are between the age of 10-15. There are many things that i like as an adolescent. I like sports, and games. There are many things i dislike being an adolescent, like cleaning and chores. i dont have any obsessions as an adolescent, unlike some people that are crazy about One Direction and can't stop talking about them. Some girls can be so weird these days. I have hopes and dreams myself, like being a soccer player on the national team and playing soccer in the olympics.

  63. Tween, Minor, Adolescent. They all mean the same thing. Somebody going through that phase usually takes one of two views. Either they love that they both have mature thoughts and somewhat mature bodies, but can still tap their fun-loving child side, or they hate that they arn't taken seriously, but still get responsibility.
    When I think of Tweens, I think of technology. I can't wrap my head around the Ye Olde and Colonial Tweens. I wonder what their fads were!

  64. So far, I like adolesence, because... Well... I do:)Several of the thhings I was "obsessed" with when I was like..7, grew with me. Things like baking, guitar, kittens,and archery may be new, but my love for the Ocean and certain music(like Taylor Swift- not the creepy boy bands) has grown with me!! other topics as in social media and owning a blog takes up plenty of my time:)) But I also think people at this age shouldn't be quiet... I thnk they should speak now.

  65. I've never heard of this word until now, but I think adolesence is both good and bad. You can be mature and get more freedom, but you need responsiblity to get so.

  66. Adolescence is overall pretty cool, but it tends to be scary at times. It contains both weird mental and physical changes. One strange mental one is that I have a strange obsession with my room and electronics. A weird physical one is my height. I was usually in the short group, but I now find myself looking down on more and more people every month. The only problem with this is that old people have to comment on this EVERY time, even if its beena day since I have seen them.

    Personalities have also changes. It seemed like in Kindergarten, fellow kids were seperated into two groups-troublemakers and teachers' pets. Now, it seems like there are many different personalitites, such as sportsy, nerdy, musical, lazy, homeworky, video game addicted, class clown, and many others.Being an adolescent in 2012 is really quite cool, unless the world ends, which means you never get to be an adult, but this generation is made up of either people who were born in the last year of the previous millenium or people who were born in the first year of the current millenium, so friends can be born in different millenia.

  67. The definition of adolescence is really growing up and getting more mature. When I was 10, I started to like more advanced things. My dreams of being a princess living in a huge castle changed to being a cosmetologist. I started liking more American music. I also got an iTouch when I was 11, and was very happy. Now I'm dreaming of the iPhone 5, and even the future's iPhone 6! As you can see, I really changed from playing with little toy ponies, to using apps on my iTouch. Then there's when you were a cute little innocent child, to being grounded every 2 weeks. Everyone changes during their adolescence, and will you. (If you haven't already passed the adolescence stage) Good Luck!!

    ~ P. B.

  68. Being an adolescent means that you are finelly growing up, but even that has pros and cons. You definately start gaining your parent's trust, but once you lose that trust, it gets very hard to gain it back. This is also when adults have high expectations for us, and it we don't meet the expectations, they get dissapointed. This is probably the stage of stress and over-obsessive-ness. I am not a directioner (don't kill me) but i have separate obsessions according to my personality. To sum it all up, adolescence is the stage that we are in right now, and propbably the stage that we are most familliar with.

  69. The Month of the young adolescent is a month created by crazy endocrinologists to make tweens and teenagers feel awkward. They define it as a time of confusion and discovery, and that sounds just plain weird. I don't think they realize how weird and awkward it feels to be called out in such a way. You have to give them some credit, though, as you do change a lot in the 12-17 period. You learn social skillz and new ways to meet people. You also adapt to the environment and people who you are around all of the time. You also can develop crazy obsessions like with Justin Beiber (who doesn't deserve to be hated) and One Direction (which is the most overrated thing since LMFAO). Even though I have learned a lot of stuff, I still don't like being called out by the crazy doctors.

  70. In the past few years, I've become more responsible, wise, and independant. Sometimes I even feel like I have to take care of my mom. In the near future, I'm probably not going to want to be around my parents as much, and maybe make some bad choices. It's all just part of growing up. Being an adolescent, I like being able to be more independant and that my parents don't care when I do my homework so long as it gets done. I don't like that I also have more responsabilities. Then there are the obsessions. I'm obsessed with my new laptop and beating Joseph at everything. I also have dreams to become an eagle scout and go to a good college, both of which I'm certain I can achieve.
    -Walker Greene

  71. Four years old, barbies. Eight years old, disney channel and puppies. Twelve years old, electronics and friends. Adolescence changes you. As an adolescent, I am more rebellious against my parents. I also am a bit more stand-offish with my friends. I believe that the future brings more maturity and responsibility.
    Ashley W.

  72. I am thirteen an adolecent. EWHen i was five I worried about Barbie dolls, playinng outside and what was new on Disney/NickoldeonJr. Know that I'm thirteen iI worry about school,friends,and whither or not I have my phonne. There are also a tons more responsiblities.I think that being a Young adolecent is harder than it use to be there are more infulences than there use to be.I think are genration is challenging the status quto more often then there use to be.Which is a good thing and a bad thing. Yeh we make way more stupid mistakes but we are smater for it right.I think it is fun to be a young teen but also hard.

  73. Overall, even though i haven't comepletly entered adolesence yet, but somefar I enjoy it, but also think its confusing.... i'm also obbsessed with different things than when I was little. Now i"m obbsessed with certain books (Hunger Games!, soccer, and guitar. I also think that growing up changes your state of mind. I think that it is a confusing and exciting new adventure in your life!
    - R.G

  74. Adolescent me? At first when Ms. Smith introduced this new topic I had know idea what it was. But, it's me. Many adolescents are obsessed wiht the Iphone or One Direction, and it's a normal stage that everyone goes through. I think we should focus on the more important things in life, such as college in your future, good grades, and trying your best to be the best at whatever sport or activity you are in. Many pre-teens fear the future, worried that they won't get into their dream college, or become an olympian swimmer. Being an adolescent myself I know that is very hard to find a place where you belong. Parents want you to still be there baby, and little kids want to look up to you. It is also a time to get your act together, because soon you will be in college. But, you also want that perfect social life, like going to football games and a concert. You can't have it all sadly.
