Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Second Chance?

In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge’s experiences with the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future offer him a second chance to get it right. Based upon what you know about Scrooge’s behavior and attitude, do you think he was deserving of this opportunity? Why or why not? Explain with details from the text.


  1. Scrooge did not desereve a scond chance, in my opion. He had messed up in his first life. Me personaly learn from my mistakes. If i Got a second chance i would not be able to learn anything.

    1. i have to disagree, if i were to get a second chance i would use what i learned from previous mistakes and correct them.

    2. I dissagree, too. This is because, if you get a secong chance YOU DO learn from your mistakes and do the right thing! :)

    3. I also disagree, because if they didn't give him a second chance, he'd just continue to be mean and nasty.

    4. I think a second chance is a better way to learn from your mistakes.

    5. I disagree... If God gave you a second chance.You should take it learn and change your life to a better way!

    6. I have to disagree. Don't you ever wish when you did something totally bad and get in huge trouble that you were able to get a do-over? Think about it.

    7. I have to disagree. Don't you ever wish when you did something totally bad and get in huge trouble that you were able to get a do-over? Think about it.
      (Forgot my signature)

  2. Based on what I've read so far, I really dont know if Scrooge deserves another chance. I have already read a couple of flashbacks, but based upon them I still dont see if he deserves another chance

    1. I think that reading a little further into the story will change that! :)

  3. I feel as though Scrooge should get a second chance, because he will most likely won't to these mean thing agian. When I see things that I did again, then I most likely won't do it again.

    1. You still can't change the fact that Scrooge did do those mean things, and it will be very hard for him to change peoples' opinions of him.

      Die in a hole, Scrooge!

      ---At least while he's still a jerk

  4. i do not think that scrooge deserves a second chance. for one, you cant take back words or actions. second of all, he made the decision to be an old grumpy jerk. i really dont think he deserves a second chance.
    -Chase R.

  5. i think everyone should have a second chance. so, i think scrooge does deserve a second. the reason why is because the seecond chance could turn out in a positive way. and when scrooge take the oppurunity, it benefits everyone around him

  6. Scroge does not deserve to get a second chance. He acts very nasty to everyone around him, and he does not care about the poor. If he had acted nicer to people, then he would deserve a second chance. In conclusion, my opinion of this that he has acted to badly to all of the people around him toget a second chance.

  7. I think that Scrooge deserves a second chance no matter how bad he is. You can be sad, bad, or even happy and make mistakes! Even though he is rude to people, he still deserves a chance to look back on what he did wrong, and make it right. In a religous presepctive, God allows everyone to do the right thing and be nice again. This oppertunity is very important for Scrooge, so we hope he won't mess it up! That is my opinion. Leave a comment!
    --AG Academic 1

  8. Everyone deserves a second chance through forgiveness. That's why i believe that Ebemezer Scrooge should get a second chance. Even though he yelled at children, was cruel to workers, and refused to pay enough, he still changed his life. The only reason he was so grumpy was because people in his younger life had made him believe that money was more important than hapiness. With this information, his fiancee left him. even though he has done some of the worst things possible, I believe he should get another shot at showing people who he really is.

  9. Think he deserves a second chance because he used to be happy but then something happened to him to make him mean amd grumpy he wasn't just mean and grumpy because he wanted to. also if he didn't get a second chance then Tiny Tim would die along with him.~Emily C

  10. i think that Scrooge did deserve did deserve a second chance. he was grumpy, tired, and sad. i felt bad for him! i think that he was mean because he lost the things he loved; his sweetheart, his beloved coworker, maybe even a happy childhood memeory. he lost sight of what was important because he thought that the only important thing was money. therefor, i believe that he deserved to be happy again, to love and be loved! :)

    1. This is a great thing to think, I never thought of it like this, though this is a very good point of view for the subject. :)

  11. You're asking me the simple question of does Scrooge deserve the second chance of seeing how he could change his ways.
    He doesn't.
    But that's how forgiving God is. He gives his children second chances becasue he knows that sometimes we sin, but we also need to get ourselves straight so we don't steer ourselves to Satan.
    Scrooge also doesn't deserve a second chance because he doesn't like the best holiday of the year! It's not just about the presents and decorating the Christmas tree, but it's also about our one true savior being born. That's wny they call it CHRISTmas after all!
    -M. E. Hince

  12. I say he does and doesn't because everyone has a chance to make anyone happy during the holidays but if the constant rudeness of not being compasionate to they workers and nice to the needy then they don't deserve a second chance

  13. I think that even though Scrooge was mean, he did deserve the visits from the spirits because they were attempting to steer him in the right direction and open his eyes to how his words are affecting others around him. I don't think that he sould not be given a second chance, because then he would just continue to be mean and ruin everyone's Christmas.

    1. Or he could die in a hole and save us the trouble, and the spirits, too.

      ---jk :D

  14. Scrooge does indeed deserve a second chance.Hedid not have a love of Christmas because of the deserve of his partner Marely. He did not know he was affecting people so negatively. The ghost of christmas present revealed this to him.

  15. I think Ebenezer Scrooge deserves a second chance to change himself. I think he should have an oppertunity to be nice again! He probably doesn't want to be that miserable, but he just is becuase of his mistakes he made. In his past, he did bad things, and he could never change that, until now! I think Scrooge should change his ways by realizing his mistakes and greediness, and have an oppertunity to be able to change that! Scrooge deserves another chance.


  16. In a Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge is a hateful, mean, and christmas-hating man. But when three spirits assist him on a journey from christmas past, present, and future, he may have a chance to change that.
    During his life, Scrooge had made one too many mistakes that finally turned him sour. I think that Scrooge is very derservuing of this second chance.
    After his visit from the Spirit of Christmas past, he had to relive all of his mistakes in his life. When the Spirit of Christmas present came he had to endure what he was doing right now. The Spirit of Christmas future, can only be horrible.
    Scrooge got a chance to change his ways... he needs to.

  17. Yes, because it wasn't excactly his fault. His past life showed how his life crumbled before his very eyes. As you can see, he did show affection and while observing his past, he showed hints of affection. I am not also being leanent on scrooge, since I think everyone deserves a sencond chance. cScrooge was also unstable. He aslo showed affection in his past and hints of affection during tghe observation of his past. People didn't look at his past which caused him to be bad. It's like saying a bad guy is bad for his ctrimes and he is bad, but people don't look at the cause of why he's bad. Also, I feel some people are hypicrites for saying Scrooge doesn't deserve a second chance. I mean, if you were Scrooge, or messed up bad, I'm sure you would begging on your knees for a 2nd chance.

  18. I believe that Scrooge did not deserve a second chance because he was a rotten, selfish man who though nothing outside of the boundaries of gaining money, pride, and title. Well, he sure did get a title for his attitude and wealth in his hometown, and it wasn't a good one. People with closed minds, and no experience or thought to the lives of others, would not accept the second chance, unless under force. I believe that the sole reason that Scrooge even changed his ways was because of the Ghost of Christmas to Come; he was so frightening that Scrooge never wanted to visit him again. The way that Scrooge changed was similar to the ways of a mother threatening her child with his/her favorite toy. The child behaves only to not have their most treasured possession taken away. I believe that Scrooge did not really change his opinion on life, and if he did, it was under the appalling circumstances of death. I personally believe that someone as shallow as Ebenezer Scrooge does not deserve a second chance.

    1. he does deserve a second chance because he wants to be a good man and if he never gets that chance then he will forever be a grumpy old man. People make mistakes its part of life and he has finally noticed how mean he is and wants to change.

    2. Shweta, I do think that Scrooge was very scared by Christmas to Come; but I think that he was already feeling more welcoming towards Christmas because of the other spirits. The spirit yet to come, also, really was going to kill him, and it did/would, because he has to die eventually. A mother, if they actually did take the toy, would do it for the child; Christmas to Come did it because of what it wanted from Scrooge.

  19. in the christmas carol, the main character, ebenezer scrooge, is mean, old, greedy, grouchy, and well just a flat out... Scrooge. his actions effect everyone around him. So if he were to get a second chance, and it turns out to be good for the better, well than the whole community around him will benefit. i believe that everyone deserves a second chance.

  20. Imagine the meanest, grumpiest person ever. Good. Now take that image and multiply it by 10. Wow! That would be one bad, bad guy. If there was such a human that could be so terrible, then should he deserve a second chance? I think he should. If he aw the error of his ways, then he should get another chance. Everyone deserves a second chance, so why should he not? Even the worst person can turn out to be nice. E.D.

  21. No, I do not think that he deserves that! He was terrible to Fred. This made me really sad because I am very alike Fred, in our happiness and love of Christmas! Uncle Ebenezer Scrooge is foul, mean, rude, and cold hearted to anyone poor, wealthy, tall,small-everyone! ...but I am growing more aticipation to see this whole deal with 'Marney"...maybe there is a reason for his behavior and feelings toward others...but not an axcuse. :)

  22. I think Scrooge deserves a second chance. Think about if it was you. You’d want a second chance. It would make everyone happier if Scrooge had a second chance. GIVE THE GUY A SECOND CHANCE!!!

  23. I do not think he deserves a second chance. He was given so many chances inn life but he never relized it. He was always to much caught up in money that he nevr had a life he chose to be that way no onhe can force him to be like that. He chose money over everything.
    alex c

  24. i think that scrooge should get a second chance. he has been mean, and rude to his worker and his nephew Fred. when he was visited by the ghost of christmas past, he got to experience how he became mean and greedy. he went to the futre and saw what would happen if he kept on being mean and grumpy. then he got a second chance to reedem himself, and he became very grateful and kind ,and gernerous.

  25. In the story a christmas carol scrooge gets a second chance. I think scrooge should get a second chance. Since he had the ability to correct and see his mistakes he should get the choice. Wheather he did start to be nice or not he should have had the chance to be nice. Being nice is the right thing to do. ~madeline saylor~

  26. scrooge wa sgivin antother chance because the spirts knew that he could change. so they gave him another chance to redeem him self.

  27. i think he deserves a second chance because he is trying to be a good man and change his rude ways. And if he is willing to change and be nice and kind then you should give him a chance. How else can he be a good man if no one will give him a chance. People make mistakes in life and people need to learn to forgive and give that person a second chance.

  28. I believe that peple arent born mean and that they probably are just mean because of someone or something. In scrouge's case he was influenced by Marley's death and other people not being around him when he was little so yes i do believe he deserved a second chance.

    By ST

  29. I think he should because he had feelings. you just had to look really deep to find them but through out the story he cared for people but he needed a second chance if it was you you would want a second chance so i would give him a second chance

  30. In the Christmas Carol, Scrooge faces many visions of the past, present and future and those spirits tell him, "If you don't take action, your life will end." I do think that Scrooge deserves a second chance because he now knows what he did wrong and won't do it again.

  31. I think that everybody deserves a second chance. No matter how mean or rude they were(or are) you should always always get the oppertunity to make up for your wrong doings. You never know, some people that might seem so mean to where you dont think that they deserve a second chance, but once you do give them a second chance they could make a big change in charter. Take Scrooge for example, if you were him, woun't YOU want a second chance?

  32. A Second Chance.
    I think that Scrooge deserved a second chance.He(in the end) had a good soul and heart that was just hiding in the dark!If he did'nt change his life course , he would have died on the inside! Tiny tim would have died too!He had a rough and selfish past and future ,but because he changed his present all of that changed!He made life okay!Seeing the Past , Present ,and Future changed his life because he took up the chance to see and change his heart! Scrooge went from a grumpy , old and bitter man to a jolly , happy , and warm hearted man! That is why he deserved a second chance.!(:


  33. Yes, I think he deserves a sencond chance. I think this because everyone should get a second chance, even though he was mean and rotton for that moment, he made a mistake. He also deserved to haver thte spirits come to him. They gave him a chance to look back at the past and look at the present. He saaw what he had done and what was happening and became nicer.

  34. Do I think that Scrooge deserves a second chance? Well, I believe that everybody deserves a second chance. No matter how cruel, selvish, and cranky he was to the people around him, I think that he could turn into a very warming and kind person if you gave them a second chance. Sometimes when people that you love slip away you get cranky and take it out on people, and never get happy, and that's what happened to Scrooge, so I think that he deserved a second chance.

  35. i think yes because know matter how bad, mean, or greedy you are uf your willing to change you schould be able to have a chance.also scrooge was a happy good niv=ce person befre money and greed showed up. when the hree sprits showed who he was who is know and what the future mght be he change his life so he could live and die a happy person. haveing a second chance can change otheres lives like tiny tim and thier lives too.
    ~devon thomas<3

  36. i think scrooge deserved a second chance, everyone deservs a second chance when they need it. if scrooge didnt get a second chance tiny tim would have died and cratchits family would not have had the feast that scrooge sent the on christmas. if you had been cranky and mean and unliked for part of your lie wouldnt you want a second chance?
    <3 m.k.

  37. Second chance......
    Why should scrooge get a second chance? Well, because first of all everyone gets a second chance to make things right. Second,of all there were still some people who cared about him and people he cared about too. For example he cared about tiny tim and only scrooge could prevent tiny tim from dyeing. Even though scrooge had a cold heart people still cared for him and he still cared for others.

  38. I think scrooge deserves a second chance . The ghosts knew he could change after being happy once and seeing how many mistakes he could prevent from happening by giving him one chance. After giving him that second chance it made a whole difference to a lot of people including himself

  39. The question seems a little complicated. I believe that second chance given to Scrooge was better for everyone. He was happier and so were the people around him. Scrooge became more joyful and fair. Before, he seemed cranky, yelled at people, had nothing nice to say, and was just very rude. After, he was kind to people, more fair to Cratchit and other people, and he was more upbeat. To sum it up, I personally think everyone deserves a second chance. We don't know everything about everybody. Scrooge could have had a harsh background and remember, he lost a lot of things because of money! Some things or reasons made him mean and unenjoyable. Sometimes, giving a person a second chance can bring out the better in someone. :))))))

  40. I think in life everyone should get a second chance. If we get a second chance, we can learn from our previous mistakes. I think Scrooge should also get a second chance. Yeah, maybe he was a rotten, selfish man, but doesn't everybody have a little bit of selfishness in them??!! I also think that Scrooge must have also been so grumpy because of certain circumstances. Nobody is just born grumpy! That's why I think Scrooge should be given another chance.

  41. I think that Ebenezer Scrooge does deserve a second chance because it wasn't ALL his fault that that happened to him. He didn't mean to do all those things to his friends. The ghosts of the past, present, and future tried to show him what he did to see why he was all grumpy and mean all the time. What if you were in a situation like Scrooge was in and they didn't give you a second chance? How would you feel? I wouldn't feel very happy about. I think that everyone deserves a second chance no matter what. :)

  42. I think that he should get a second chance. Everyone makes mistakes in life and messes up, but we all deserve a second chance. Even though he may not have seemed deserving, he is still a human and he does things in life that he isn't proud of. He may just have been sad. If it was me, I would want someone to take sympathy on me. I feel that even though he did bad things, he isn't a bad person. He saw his past and accepted that he did wrong things but while he was traveling with the spirits he acknowledged the wrong things and tried to do the right things the rest of his life to make up for the bad things. So, I think that that was a good thing to do. After all, it was christmas eve.

  43. Scoorge deserved a second chance because if he hadn't known what would happen in his life from the past, present, and furture there he wouldn't have changed and Tiny Tim woul;d have died and Scrooge's empolyees would have robbed him. So it was a good thing that Scrooge got a second chance so then he could change and become a better man.



  45. I think scrooge should have had a second chance because with this second change it might have showed him that christmas and stuff is fun and stuff. I don't know but he maybe needed to take a poo becasue he was so angry. I think after the ghosts showed him he relised that underpaying is very bad for the enviorment and he should stick to regular full payments instead of being a groumpy sack of peanuts.
    Stephen Pipes



  46. Yes I think Scrooge deserves a sencond chance because if you had scrwed up you would want a second chance. Also because now that Scrooge sees what people thinks of him and how he could have prevented alot of bad things. I really think he deserves a second chance because he will now make alot of people happy. Finally because he can also be happy. I think not only were other people sad around him but he was sad to. So now with a second chance he can make other people happy but also he will be happy. And even if he does not do anything for everyone just having a happy spirt and saying merry christmas to people on the street will make them happy not sad! I think that if scrooge has a second chance he will really be a great person.

  47. Scrooge from the christmas carol diserved a second chance. Even he payed his employee less and didnt believe in christmas doesnt mean hes a bad guy. Scrooge has a cold heart but deedp deep deep deeep deeep down he really cares. Thats Why he gave the children gifts. scrooge might act bad but he really is good and he diserved a second chance.

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  49. In my opinion I think Scrooge diserved anther chance, because when he saw all the bad things (that he could fix)the spirit really opened up his eyes. The spirit made him realize that he could be a happier person. In the story, you could say that after he realizes how mean he was, that he became the NICEST person ever. So, I do think that Scrooge diserved a re-do for what he had done.
    Sydney Sutherland

  50. I think that Scrooge did deserve a second chance. He needed to know that his actions were effecting everyone around him. After getting the chance to see what would happen if he didn't change, he changed the way he acted and everything turned out great. In my opinion, everyone deserves the oppurtunity to have a second chance.
    -Olivia Brookes

  51. I think Scrooge can get a second chance, because by learning from his mistakes, he could make everything just right. He may have been mean and cold-hearted in the beginning, but after he experiences with the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future, he feels bad and regrets. Later, he has a warm-heart and makes everyone happy! Everyone would like a second chance if they did something bad, right?


  52. I definitely believe that scrooge does not deserve second chance. I mean after all the terrible things he did, he should not. He broke up with his sweatheart just because the wouldn't bring any dowry and I don't think that ia a reason to cancel a wedding. Iknow he repents upon it now,but how is that going to change the past? He has been mean almost all his life so why should he have a second chance?The only reason that he recieved a second chance was becuase of the ghosts and he should have figured out that he was doing wrong and stopped ti himself!


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  54. I think that Scrooge does deserve a second chance. Even though he is cranky, I think he deserves to live a better life. He could be a grest, intelegent guy, I think he just has to learn hoe to be happy. Because of that opinion, I think the ghost of christmas past, predent, and future are doing the right thing by teaching him.

  55. I believe Scrooge did deserve a second chance. Mainly, because if he didn't get one he would continue to be mean and cranky. Also, because everyone deserves a second chance. If i weere in his position I would be happy that I got another shot to turn things around. I would definetely be happy to know that when i die i won't have to drift around wearing heavy chains.

  56. i do think scrooge diserved a second chance because even though he messed up in the past he has a chance to change what he says and does in the present and the future. everyone diserves a second chance!

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  58. I think that Scrooge does deserve another chance, but not for him. At the end of the book, Scrooge helps out lots of poor families. I think the second chance did benefit Scrooge, but the spirits really did it to help the poor families that Scrooge was able to, but never did give money to.

  59. I dont think that Scrooge deserved a second chance because he is to mean. He is old so that means that he has been mean for a long time. He made everyone miserable so i dont no why he got a sceond chance from those spirit things or whatever.

  60. schrooge should not have a second chance. Hes too mean. he should be haunted for the rest of his life. Hes also a rude hag who is one of those old people who have a spotlight on their deck to attack kids running by in manhunt.

    Best wishes,
    Tanner Mazanetz
    1337th Hunger Games Winner

  61. I think everyone deserves a second chance. H emight be a grumpy old man with a bad attutude btu if he goes back and fixes it he can be happy. he would go back and change the bad choices that he made. he learned from his mistakes and now he can fix them.

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    1. I think that really the spirits are part of Marley's warning, because he was the one who kind of introduced them as supporting reasons to listen to him.

  63. no,scrooge does not deserve a second chance cause he was just an old fart. he was mean to everyone and was filthy rich but didnt give a penny to the poor. he was always mean to the kids and cratchit. i dont know why they gave him a second chance because he DID NOT deserve it.

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Personally, I think Scrooge deserves a second chance. Everyone needs a second chance for redemption, no matter what they do. The hard crust that formed over his heart may be the cause of many events, including his loneleness as a child, the loss of his lady friend, and the death of his buisness partener Marley. To focuse his life, he ventured into buisness, and focused on money.

  66. scrooge may have been mean and cranky but EVERBODY deserves a second chance. he has the power and money to make people happy but doesn't, but if he became happy and jolly he could make people happy

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  68. I think that Scrooge should not get a second chance. He is very old so he probally was mean for many generations. On the other hand, Scrooge should get a second chance to learn from his mistakes. Even though he can be very mean i think he can have a better life.

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  71. no, because he had a billiuon chances to change and decided not to. And if this is the way he wants to live, who are we to object? And in reality, you don't get second chances technically speaking. Also since he isn't dead (yet) he can change whenever he want to without the help of spirts of anykind. Not to mention its only a play and i would like an ending that didn't end happily, but leaves the audience in tears. -Samantha

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  73. I think that scrooge did deserve to have a second chance. deep down he was a good man then he lost his love to reed and turned bad i thing he deserves a second chance to be better.

  74. mr scrooge was never really kind to people.since he met up with the ghosts of christmas past present and future.his attitude towards christmas cheer was to him frowned upon. his attitude was the exact opposite of anything remotly kind. he was very stern and was actually even more rude to the people who celebrated and had a good attitude towards christmas cheer. he shouldnt deserve this but since he has turned his life around and he is well treated friom everybody. so this was a great opportunity for him.
    caroline f.

  75. Yes, everyone needs a second chance. i think he should get a second chance to be nice and enjoy christmas. But that wont happen! Iknow he has been very nauty so i was just kiding. If i ever meet him i will say: Go to the underworld old hag!

  76. I think Scrooge did deserve a second chance. Mostly, because he would learn from his mistakes, and correct them. Also, because 1 more chance is better than one. If he screwed up his 2nd chance, then it would be entirely his fault. Plus, if he changed his fortune, then it would change everyone else's. For example, if he was able to change his future, then he, maybe, would be able change the future of others. Like if he was a bit happier, then he could raise the wage of his co-worker.

  77. A second chance what do I think about that. Well, I believe that everyone deserves a second chance. It is a good way to learn from your mistakes. In scrooges case he had a really bad child hood, so he had to bottle up his emotions. If scrooge weren't to got a second chance then he would be alone for the rest of his life. In conclusion, I think scrooge should get a second chance

  78. I certainly don't think that Scrooge deserves his second chance; however, I stillll think it is good that he was given one, and not only because it benefits the people around him (as Ms.Cratchit would undoubtably list as a reason to give him another chance). Really, though, it wasn't a second chance that was given t him. A second chance would have been to transport him back in time and make better choices. What he is given is more of a second life, a shorter one, and less adventurous, but I think a better one, with friends and happiness.

  79. I feel that Scrooge deserved a second chanse because he wasn't a bad man to beging with. There was something that happend in his life thats why he was mad.Besides, who doesn't like Christmas J.S

  80. i think he diserves a second chance scrooge had a bad life growing up and he is now all alone. if he had had a better past then maybe he would be happier.also him getting to see his future might let him change the bad things before they happen so he can have a better life. so overall i think scrooge diserves a second chance sov that he can be a happier man and have a great life.

  81. I dont think that Scrooge deserves a second chance to live life to the fullest. He had desicions to make in life and he chose to either deo this or that, therefore affecting his life. He got lucky that the ghost of Marley gave him a second chance to relive / restart his life. Scrooge will hopefully learn from this second chance...

    -Michael C.

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  83. i think he did deserve a second chance because he need to be a better person. he needs to be charitable and kind. i think you can really change from an experience from that.

  84. I do believe that Scrooge was deserving of another chance because according to the text, he clearly was once a happy, joyful person, and there were things that gave him pleasure, like reading, attending elegant parties, and he was even in love at a time in his life. I think it is unfair to characterize him as an evil, cold-hearted man, because in his heart, he really is a loving human being, who has the same feelings as we do.

  85. i do htink that scrooge diserves a second chance. everyone encludeing him should get a chance to change what they did in the past. scrooge made a lot of mistakes but if he got to see how he acted twards others it could change hime for the better. scrooge will then fix himself for the future ahead.

  86. I dont think scrooge deserves a second chance. Personally and in my opinion and what i think anyone who hates christmas should be boiled in their own pudding then buried with a stake of holly through their heart. If scrooge wants to have no life then let him have no life. Even better let him have half of a no life of a life of scrooge.

    1. That is funny, but a bit harsh in my opinion... It just makes you a scrooge who wants everyone to love Christmas :)

  87. i do think that scrooge did deserce the second chance because then he can relize all that he has gone wrong with. i think with this new second chance he can also fix his attitude about life. he can learn to be kind to others. i think this is a very good experirence for him!!! :)
    ~~~ Emily

  88. i think he did deserve a second chance because he need to be a better person. he needs to be charitable and kind. i think you can really change from an experience from that.

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  90. I really don't think Scrooge deserved a second chance. He was mean, and he showed no mercy to anyone but himself. However, I think everyone should get a second chance, especially on Christmas.

  91. I don't think that Scrooge deserved a second chance. He was so mad and evil. Anyone that mentioned Christmas would be yelled at by him. He doesn't deserve a chance. He already messed up. Wesley S.

  92. No...I don't beleive Scrooge deserved another chance. He was the meanest/scariest man in that town. Why not give somebody else the chance who is on or close to the border of being bad or good.
    I rest my case...

  93. (_() (_() I AM THE MARSHMALLOW QUEEN (_()

  94. In my opinion scrooge does not deserve a second chance. He did what he did and he can't take that back. There's a reason for everything and everything he has done led to this reason of why he doesn't deserve a second chance.He can't change the past that doesn't mean we should just give it to him. He could fix his mistakes though, he could change the way he acts now in order to change what might lie ahead

  95. I think that Scrooge deserves a second chance, i think that everyone deserves a second chance. The reason why i think that he deserves a second chance is because if he gets a second chance, he can make his mistakes right. If he does get a second chance, it will be better for him and the poeple around him. Everybody deserves a second chance

  96. I think he desrved a second chance because he had a hard childhood with no one to talk to on Christmas and no one to celebrate with. Meaning, he doesnt have really get why peiople love it so much. Also, he lost the love of his life all due to a misunderstanding. I feel that if he grew up not being so lonely and actually had someone to celebrate with, he wouldnt be the way he is now.

  97. I think that Scrooge should get a second chance because everyone deserves another try. In A Christmas Carol, the reader finds out Scrooge's past. His past is sad and lonely. Perhaps, Scrooge's past caused him to be a heartless man. I believe that everyone should get a second chance, even Scrooge.

  98. I belive that Scrooge did not deserve a second chance, but, for the people around him, he did. I could care less about Scrooge, but because he messed up other people too, and the second chance could fix this, I am glad he got one.

  99. Scrooge is a nasty git who is rude and uncaring to people, especially the poor. He is not ever in a spirit of kindness and charity. Because of this, and the fact that he never learned from his mistakes, he was not deserving of a second chance. He was given one, however, and began to become more remorseful for the things that he had previousle done and said.

    Personally, I still think Scrooge should die in a hole, at least for now.

  100. Even though Ebenezer Scrooge was quite a mean man, I think it may have been because he didn't have any friends as a child and had nobody to celebrate Christmas with. Besides, I think that everyone deserves a second chance. Without them, we wouldn't have a chance to show people that we learned from our mistakes. People always say live life to the fullest and enjoy your life while you are still able to live it. In my opinion, we won't be able to do that if we didn't have second chances. So I think yes, Ebenzer Scrooge does deserve a second chance.
    -Jenna H.

  101. I think veryone in life should get a second chance. Regardless of their previous behavior and attitude.

  102. I think that everyone deserves a second chances.You will never know what you did wrong unless you look back and see it. I feel like if Scrooge didnt get his second chance he would have never learned that there is a different way of life... other than being mean and nastey to eveyone. No body is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, but its if you choose to relvie those mistakes that counts. Scrooge is taking a chacne and is trying to start over.

  103. I think Scrooge deserved a second chance because he used to be good, but then his fiancée left him and his partner died, and all he had left was his money. It had been 7 years since his partner died and his sin was adding up, so he needed a warning.

    -Walker Greene

  104. Sure Scrooge was a dirtbag, but i think he deserved a second chance. He was at first a good, lonely, but good child, and when tradgedies hit, it made him a groughy dirtbag. Also, when he does get taught by the spirits, he not only helps himself, but also his workers and family.

  105. I personally believe that Scrooge didn't deserve a second chance because he has already messed up his life- it didn't have to be like that. Maybe he would change after the story ended- but we don't know that.

  106. From what I know about Scrooge, he doesn't deserve his second chance. He is a stingy, prefers to be lonesome, cruel, and doesn't treat others very well such as the poor, his nephew Fred, Cratchit, cook, and all of his other workers. He hates Christmas and reluctantly participated in the ghosts' wishes. He probably wouldn't learn from the chance, anyway, because he is stubborn.

    Opinial File 67 of Agent Energy Dynamo AKA the Blue Hulk AKA James Geum

  107. I think that he deserves a second chance, because everybody deserves a chance to turn things around. He was always lonely as a kid and he needs this chance to remember how that felt. He also needs it so that he can realize that he didn't like being alone, and that nobody deserves to be sad, alone, forgotten, or unfairly treated.


  108. Although Scrooge got a second chance from the spirits, I don’t think he deserved it. If he wasn’t so mean in the first place, he wouldn’t have to fix anything. He said” Anyone with Merry Christmas on their tongues, should boil in their own pudding and die with a stake of holly in their hearts. I think that that’s mean. Usually mean people don’t deserve second chances.

    ~ A.W.

  109. I think that Scrooge should get asecound chance.Think about, if you had a chance to right your wrongs wouldn't you try to.Another example of secound chances would be your parents, they give you secound chances all the time evan if you really screw-up.Would about your teachers when you get a bad grade? So if you get secound why can't Scrooge?

    Alex S.

  110. Yes he deserved a second chane, even though he was hateful. He had never experienced real love or friendship.

    God Bless Us! Every one!!!

    -rehan the superamazingcoolbodaciousawesomesmartincredible jackalope!!! <----- they are real!

  111. I think that Scrooge did deserve a second chance. He didn't know what he was doing. He thought that what he did was right and proper. He just got a little carried away since Marley died. This chance would give him an oppurtunity to make people's lives easier. Seeing what he's done wrong could help him get it right. He could learn to help others.

    "You'll need people of intelligence on this" ~Pippin
    P.S. Yep so are there any other volunteers?

  112. I think he should get a second chance. He wasn't able to see all dimensions of Christmas, and what his attitude was going towards. And I think he didn' t like Christmas because he was just sad Marley died that on Christmas and he was sad. I think he needs a second chance to re-do his mistakes.

  113. Overall i do not think Scrooge deserved a second chance, based on his attitude and his actions. he turned down the oppertunity to give money to the poor and hates the holiday season. Although, as they say, everyone deserves a second chance to fix things!
    - R.G :) :)

  114. If there is an opportunity to give Scrooge a second chance, I believe that Scrooge deserve one. Everybody makes mistakes, and I believe in second chances. .He was once a happy, enthusiastic person, and I think that he could change.

  115. First, I would like to say that I believe in second chances. I think that Scrooge deserves a second chance. Since he knows what he did wrong and is willing to change, he should should get a second chance. No one is perfect and everyone slips up at least once but we all get second chances.
