Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Value of Memories

Memories just may be the most important possession any writer has.  Why might this be a true statement? Can you think of real life examples that support this idea?


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  2. Being a writer, I agree with that statement completely. Memories not only let us relive the great times in our lives, but they also let us write and let others expreience them through our own words.

    In my own book, I use a lot of real life experiences as well as my own memories. I like to elaborate a bit with my book, but you can tell that some things were pulled from my life.

    ~M. E. Hince

  3. When you think of memories being important to a writer I think of how it can help them make relatable stories. With their memories writers have relatable content and helps them have good content in their stories.

  4. "Memories just may be the most important possesion any writer has." I think this statement is very true. As a writer, you use your own memories ot create writings. If you are writing fiction, you can put your characters in the circumstance to add a twist. If you are writing a memoir, you pull out all of your memories and describe them. If your are writing non-fiction, you can use your experience to gather information. Memories are a essentinal part of writing.

  5. I feel that this is so true. I feel this way because many memories are from life experiences. One of the biggest types of writing that is based on memories is vignettes. Many of the memories that I have, have turned into fiction. Many of my stories that I have wrote are about my family or life in general.

  6. memories are a writers best tool for writing. authors can play off their emotions to get the same emotions out of the readers/audience. writers use figurative language to get these emotions. using memories really helps writers with writing.

  7. memories are very important because most authors basee their writing on their memories. They could use their feelings to create a character or even a scenario or even a whole novel. KK

  8. I think that this may be true because writers often goet their ideas from their memories. Without memories of past experiances, the writers would have nothing to inspire them about wrighting new books. There would also be no memoirs, because memoirs are about personal experiances.

  9. i tyink this a very true statement. this is because many memories haveb inspired by books. what authors do is take their very dramatic exciting or tragic memories and use it in there books. they may even embelish the memory to make it suit the topic of the book more. it believe that this statment is true because most people weither use their imagination or memories to relate to a toppic.

  10. i think this is true because i use it alot when i write. sometimes i try to write about something cool that i haven't experienced, and it gets really hard. when i write about memories that i've actually experienced, i know exactly what is going to happen. also, i can know what feelings would be experienced in that situation, and i can add that into my writing also.

  11. I believe that memories help a writer's piece in many ways. They can be used directly and indirectly in one's writing. For example, you can use it directly if it is about you and your experiences, and indirectly will be used for emotions and mood/tone. Memories also can be shared with others so that they can learn about an experience and to truely understand it.
    Overall, I believe that memories can help someones story by giving them new ideas, and helping them to establish emotions and mood.
    --AG Academic 1

  12. If you think back to a very proud, sad, or even hard memory and decded to write freely about it, you would fill up the piece with feeling. You have remorse or pleasue (etc.) behind it, and if you are a good writer, it will show through your words. Also, you can relate to other books/authors and make your writing relatable. Memeories are great to write with and/or about. :)

  13. This statement holds complete truth. Writing is basically a way of free expression, and memories are the key to getting it out. Writers get writers block all the time, and what do they do to get out of a rut? They look at their old memories! Like for the past few months, I couldn't think of anything to write on, and just this weekend, I went on a trip to Savannah with a bunch of friends. We went absolutely crazy, going on ghost tours and seeing where Forrest Gump was filmed, and it got me thinking. What if I took all the ghost stories we had heard about and made them connected in some way? That one simple memory had given me a great idea for a book! All I needed to do was put it in action. Memories definitely are the greatest possesions writers have.

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  15. This statement is absolutely true.Writers make their writing their own when they incorporate memories into their stories. Even if a writer thinks that a memory would be an awful story line, itcould turn out to be a great story, that started out as just a little memory. Memories just may be the most important possession any writer has, true or not true? I say true. :)

  16. Memories are definetly the most important posession anyone will be able to keep. What are pictures of memorabilia without memories. But, as you get old, you tend to forget your childhood. Slowly your memoreies fade away. Then, all you can remember is how to breathe and eat cookies. Well, maybe a little more than that, but you get the point. Memories are one of your most important personal posession.


  17. Memories just may be the most important possession any writer has.
    I think that this statement is right on. While most authors don’t write only about themselves and their past, they probably do write using memories for inspiration. Memories inspire creativity and give stories that SPARK they need.

    Katie Cookie
    I love:


  18. Writers work there personal experiences into there writings. They either write about themselves or write a realistic fiction and the characters act like or do things the writer has. When you write about yourself you know what should happen so you don't mess up. Writers like to write about personal experiences because they have te most amazing life experiences.


  19. When I think about the quote, “Memories just may be the most important possession any writer has,” it makes me think about how many memories I truly have. When you think about the memories you own you start to remember that some of them were good and some were bad, sad, upsetting. But remembering they are yours is truly important. All though many memories are good it is also remembering times of mourning and sadness that help you get through life. When you think about the mistakes you made. It helps you become a better person. You should not be afraid or ashamed of your mistakes, because we all make them. Therefore memories are memories and that’s that’s
    ~ Ashley Mott

  20. I believe that this statement is true. The reason I believe this statement is so, is because if a writer were to not embed their feelings, and memories into their work, then the endproduct would be something similar to a recorded speech. Monotonous, and empty of any opinions. If writers didn't feel like they needed to include their personal memories into their writing; then there would be no memoirs. And no memoirs, would mean we would have to rely open boring history books, to find a source for history.

  21. Memories are very precious to writers. Most people can get ideas from their past memories! I think without memories then you can't have a good idea. Sometimes books can reflect on your memories! They help bring sad or happy moments of your life!

  22. I think in some cases, memories can be the key to wonderful writing.

  23. Memories are very important. When you write, you write about an experience. An experience you were at frist hand. It can also help your imagination. Memories also emit emotion and imagery. You want you readers to show some emotion and be able to visualize it.

  24. the statement is very true ebacuse memories are personal experiences, and things that happened in your life. They are important to writers because they can base their stories on their memories.

  25. memories are more important that any thing becuase no one can take your memory away from you.

  26. memories are important to remember because when authors write they mainly use theier memories. They use their own memories because its about their life and thery know themselves more than anyone else.

  27. Memories are really valuable because without them we would not learn from our mistakes. Also, we need memories to build up our personality and become better at being ourselves. Memories are the best thing in life and everyone should cherish them.

  28. i totally agree with the quote. with your memeories you create some emotion into your writing. so if you think of a happy memory then you will right something happy. you can also turn your memory into a story. with your memories you can also shape a character. it could be a person from your memory or you can put your feelings and emotions into your character.
    ~bamagirl ;D

  29. I think that this means that without memories, your writing wouldn't be as interesting. Memories are good because, when you write, it is easier to write about yourself than it is with others. You actually experienced the events, so you will remember more and better than anyone else that was there. Also, if you keep it in writing, later on if you forget or you want to look back on your life, you can remember all of those important details.

  30. Memories, some are bad and some are good. I wish I could be in all of them. Fom bad to good. The bad ones sometimes even make me laugh. Sometimes I even think of other things i coul've done to make it a good and hilarious memory.

  31. Memories aare what create knowledge. Writers require a large quatity of knowledge. If you have noticed, writers base their stories out of aquired knowledge that they already have. A writer's job is to store their memories, so that they can easily create books or articles. Memories are what sustain books

    ~~~Sreya S.

  32. I think that this quote is true because when an author writes a book or novel, they usually have some memories that happened in their life that are tied to what they are writing about in the book. Memories inspire authors to write and to express their ideas. ~J.D.

  33. this is a true statment i think is beacsue that when a writer has a memory in there head they can have a better idea to wirte about. when they write they can think of that memory and they can have better writing. examples of this is when you have a great day you can wirte about that. also you can write about how you achevied something. thats why it is true.
    ~devon thomas:)

  34. I think memories are very important because they last forever. Writers esspecially need them because that how some of them write. I think things that have happened to you are easier to write about because you were a part of it so u can tell it from your point of view. Writers take their experiences and put them into a story.
    ok bye
    :) :) :) :)

  35. i believe this statement is true because it is easier to write about your life than somebody else s life. because you have experienced it

  36. I think memories are the more valuable then money, clothes, or even things. When you write about your memories it can move people more than you kniw. There are many memories thst i have shared with my family and they are truly the BEST.
    Sydney Sutherland

  37. the statemtn is true because if someone has a memory then they can make a story out of it. And in stories you can relate to something if you rememebr a memory that was sort of like it.

  38. This statement is very true, because it gives authors ideas to write. It also inspires other people whenauthors share their memories of their own.

  39. Memories are awesome. If you don't express your memories, then people won't know how to deal with certain situations in life. Plus its easy to write about because you exprenced it

  40. We all have memories whether they are fun, sad, happy, exciting ect. The reason why we need to value these memories,especially for authors, is because you always have things to right about. Also its easier to write about stuff when you expierienced it.
    ~Madeline Saylor~:)

  41. i think that it is very true and it is important because without memories there is no foundation to writing everything is based on something and i think that most people use this base for their own writing
    <3 -michelle

  42. memories just may be the most important possesion a writer has. I think this statement means that a writer has memories and sence they are writers they should use them and share whats special to them and to the whole world

  43. I think this qoute means that their memories give you a picture in your mind and tell you a story. Also they like to tell you about there life story
    -A. Ali

  44. I think that this is a very good statement. I think that it means that memories are good to think about when you are writing. They can help you create a new story and deliver certain messages. Also, your own personal experiences are easier to remember and explain than trying to explain someone elses memory. Memories are very important.
    -Olivia Brookes

  45. it means that a writer wouldnt be able to make a story without it being based on true experiences. if the author didnt have memories then many of the stories that are made today would not exsist. true stories create true authors.

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  47. i think that the statement is true because your memorie are yours and it is easyier to write about your own then some one elses memories and you can make your memories the best story they can be. when you use your own that when the story are the best.

  48. Memories are the most important thing a writer has. Like Hatchet by Gary paulson was a true story and Bryan told him his memories. And BOOM! Bestselling book So they really are inportant

    -Tanner Mazanetz
    Wilderness Survivalist Expert
    Slenderman Hunter

  49. The value of memories is very important, because that's where the roots of our stories expand and get better. Without memories how would we remember the past. You wouldn't remember your wonderful birthday.

  50. Memories are very important because they help authors with their writings. If you have memories you ahve no soul. That what keep you in touch with your past. The only way to get smarter is to learn from your mistake. And your mistakes are memories also. A person without memories must be empty.

  51. i think memories are what writers use as a starting point and base their stories on it.

  52. memories are the most important possession to a writer. thay give them the best ideas for the books they wright. books are made of the best memories.

  53. This quote is true. Strong memories are among the most valuable tools a writer can have. While they might not actually be writing about themselves, their own lives influence their writing strongly. For example, I'm sure that C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia was written as he thought about his own friends and aquaintences. Also, when the author of Peter Pan wrote that, he was probably thinking of his own childhood.

  54. This means that memories are very important. Without memories you wouldnt be able to write a very good story. It tells you about the character and what happened in there life before now. Memories are very important to a story with out them it wouldnt be a good story at all.

  55. Memories build up the story's basis. It can create more creative scenes or plots in the story, and could provide a more elaborate, or detailed story. So, i think that memories are an important factor of an author's story.

  56. Memories are very important to writers. They make stories more relateable an easier to understand. For example, in a world war two book I'm reading, the author uses memories of WWII veterans to make the story better and easier to understand.
    - Nolan

  57. writers use memories to tell their stories. sometimes they dont want to tell people their story but through the characters it is ok. it lets them express their feelings too. most writers use their memmories and with out them there would not be a book.

  58. I agree with the statement because memories are the base of all writing. Without memories, you can't build off them to make a story, weather you change it or not.

  59. i like memories like pie. and math (just kidding)

  60. Memories are one on the most important tools for a writer. This is because they spark your imagination. Memories to a writer are like hammer to a carpenter. Memories create everything you are and what you will do.

  61. Many books are based on true stories or life memories that are closely related to theirs. my sister wants to right a book based somewhat on her memories.

  62. memories are like a giant puzzle. when you put them all together, it makes ur life. but sometimes you lose some pieces and you forget some stuff. authors use memories to paint a lovely story.

  63. Memories are the keystone of writing. memories help the writer express feelings in the story he wants to tell it may be a memory about history or a family vacation. it will help writing become interesting

  64. Memories are important because they help a writer with ideas. It also helps reflect on the writers past which makes a good story

    -courtney jacome

  65. memories are one of the greatest posessions anybody could have because they are more than just pictures they are that warm feeling that you get when you think of a fun time. they can make you feel very happy because they remind you of great tiimes.
    Caroline Fernandez

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    AND >___< AWSOME

  68. I belive this statement is true, and it means that the most important part of a wrighting piece, or someone wrighting, are there memories. This is especially true in memuires. Without memories, they have nothing to wright about! Even though memories are most important to memuires, any book could use feeling and voice, that memorites provide you with.

  69. I do agree with this statement to a certain extent. I think it is very important and necessary for a writer to collect and organize historical and important pieces of their life, but writing loses its sense of creativity and passion if there are no interesting,spontaneous, and imaginative elements placed in their story. When writing, there should be a balance of the two.

  70. Your memories are the most important to everyone i think. the good and the bad. they make us happy and sad.they help us remember what to do an what not to do. they teach us life leasons when we dont evenm realize it!Plus if you had no memeories then there would be nothing to talk about!!;D

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  72. merories are very important for writers. they give the author the inpiration for a book.. they can tell their storys and stuff that that.

  73. I think that memories are very important because they are the foundation of all stories!


  74. Memories are important to everyone, espically writers. Without memories, writers would not have any inspiration or ideas or anything. A world without memories would be a world without books.

    A wise man once said,

    A world without memories would be a world without books. A world without books would not be a world at all.
    - Harrison Craft

  75. memories are the key to our past events. I feel that this statement is true because when we have memories it make witing storys a lot easyer.

  76. i think this statement means that memories are very valuble and things that are about you are also more relatable. they are more heart filled. you should do what you do best!

  77. Memories are very vauleable. They are irreplaceable. You can never replace what you've done. That's the vaule.

  78. memories are valuable and especially to authors. authors usually write about what happened in their past life so they should hang on to their memories

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  80. Memories are valuable. why? They provide essential details in a writing piece. Unlike fiction or nonfiction or another story out there, memories provide inspiration, feelings, and emotion. Memories can start a story and other minor details can build upon it. Memories are essential to a writers book.

  81. Memory is the only possession that one can have forever, unless they have a stroke or get Alzheimer's. Besides that minor little glitch that can occur, they are the most precious, because they are not material. That also means that only you can see the happy ones, the sad ones, the funny ones, the embarassing ones, and no one can possibly ever steal them from you.

  82. Memories are very important to a writer. Without memories you wouldn't have inspiration, you wouldn't be able to write stories. Also, everyone has different memories, it is what makes people unique.

  83. I agree with this statement. Authors usually write from personal experience- things that happened in the past. They are able to write about these past experiences using their memories. Even if authors don't write about personal experience, their ideas have to start somewhere, usually from memories.
    -Jenna H.

  84. "Memories just may be the most important possession any writer has." What does that statement mean? Well, I believe that it means that memories are a writer's tool when they write. Without writing, there would be no short stories, novels, or any type of writing. Writing has to come from somewhere. I think that writing comes from memories. In other words, memories create writing.

  85. the value of memories is great because some of the best stories come from an authors memories. This also counts as when you just insert little things into your writing.

  86. Memories give you ideas that noone else has like going on adventures with The Doctor. :):)

  87. Almost every story that has been made has been off of memories. Almost every writer will tell you that memories are their greatest weapon.

  88. Memories are a very important tool in writing,as most stories are based off a memory, but there are other things that are important as well. One is creativity, which you need to write a good story. The other is gooder grammar and spolchek. ;)

  89. Memories are important for writers because it lets them turn something normal or cliche into something very creative and imaginative.

  90. All stories come from memories. Memoires are THAT important to our lives.

  91. I agree with this statement. I believe that memories are important to the authors since it gives them ideas. You can add some more details and some imaginations into your memories.

  92. A writers memory is the inspiration for them to write.

  93. "Memories just may be the most important possession a writer has."

    Everything that has been written draws from personal memory, whether the influence on the text be small or large. Tragic moments in our lives especially tend to get dragged into our writing.


  94. This statement means that a writer's life can add something to their work. For example, Romeo and Juliet was supposed to be a comedy when Shakespeare was first writing it. A few months later, his son died. He then turned it into a tragedy. This could be the best example to encourage you to put some of yourself into your writing.

    PS "I don't know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." ~Bilbo Baggins
    PPS Anyone know what it means?

  95. I agree with this statement completely, because I believe that many writers create their stories from their own personal experiences. Without an authors memories, they could not create stories like the Hunger Games,Harry Potter, or Divergent! As you can see, without an authors memories, they could not create the stories that we love and adore today!
    An authors memories spark the idea!
    - Riley :)

  96. i think this statement is true because has a writer the only way to create a good story regardless to weather its fact,fiction,or memoir is to pull things from your memory. For example the Harry Potter Series setting is based on a boarding school she went to has a child or in the case of a memoir which is soley based off of memories.

  97. Memories adds to one's writing experience and relate it to stories for fiction. Some just state what happened from one's direct memory for nonfiction. Some people add more emotional appeal.

    Factual File #4 of Energy Dynamo 9000 AKA Blue Hulk AKA James Geum
    Warrior Agent and Mentor of SHU (Super Hero Union) Gotta Rock and Roll and Rumble!

  98. Memories are the basis of a huge portion of the world's writing, almost all of it has at least one reference to ones life. Memories, good and bad, effect everything in life, including how you act. It is like how you learn from mistakes in a way.

  99. I think that memories are especially important. Without it a author would forget their ideas and everything they planned out for their story. Memories also are helpful in another way. For example, if you don't have memory to do anything, then how could a writer possibly write, when they forget to even hold a pencil!
