Monday, January 7, 2013

Considering the Wisdom of Humanitarians

Now that you have almost completed your web quest for our Citizens of a Global Community theme, you have an idea about some of the work that humanitarians have done toward human rights. Take a moment to reflect on some of the wise words shared by humanitarians such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela.
·         Read each quote.
·         Choose the quote that resonates most strongly with you.
·         Write about what you think the quote means and how it can relate and provide wisdom for real life today.
·         Consider how young adolescents can benefit from the wisdom of these humanitarians.

Be the change you want to see. (Gandhi)

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. (Martin Luther King)
Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. (Nelson Mandela)

Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. (Mother Teresa) 


  1. The quote that mother Teresa said,” Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty”, can really relate to some people. If certain people feel left out than they could feel like they are trash and would want somebody to reach out to them. Think about the situation as if that was you are a family member. If YOU were unwanted would you not feel like a an animal more than a human. If we as people, who have the ability to take care of people in need would do just that then we would live in a better place. this being said humans are also selfish and don’t always respect others, but if somebody even as small as a 12 year old could reach out and start a trend making the world see we are all the same and just need to help each other out.

  2. Nelson Mandela's quote spoke to me the most, because education is a big part of my life. I think that this quote could inspire people to use the things they learn in school to help them change the world and make important life decisions. Education has inspired me to write my own stories and also to start making plans for college and beyond. Maybe I might be able to change the world someday.

  3. i picked the Martin Luther King quote. what i think MLK meant in his quote was that when a person is faced with challenges and struggle, their true character will come out. when a person has some controversy in life, it will show your weakness as a person. overally, when your not in comfort, the hardships will show how meantally tough you are

  4. 'the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge or controversy.' this quote speaks to me in many ways. you can say one thing and feel strong about when things are good. but the true challenge is staying by your statement or opinion when things get tough. this statement spoke to me.

    -Chase R.

  5. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

    I think this quote means that when people say you cant do something or they call you names, that you are none of these things unless you agree with it. I think being a young adolesent that when using this quote it can help you through tough times and that when people say things that hurt they arent actually true unless you agree that it is.

  6. “Be the change you want to see.” --Gandhi

    This quote is very special to me. Mostly because I believe every word of it. Gandhi was a very special man. He was wise and understood people. He knew that if you wanted to see a change, then you could not wait for the next person to see it, you would have to be the change. Gandhi had many fantastic accomplishments; I think this quote feuled many of them.


  7. no one can make you feel inferior without your consent -eleanor roosevelt
    this means that if someone is trying to put you down, you don't have to feel inferior. you can only feel inferior if you think of yourself that way. young adolescents can use this wisdom by taking the high road and not trying to bully or make fun of someone. they can also tell a bully that when they make fun of them they don't care about what they think because all that matters is how you actually are.

  8. I think that Nelson Mandela's quote describes me the most: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Since education is important for my family and I, then I think this repersents me fully. Other adolescents can learn from this humanitarian because he showed great leadership and with his education, in fact, he changed the world, just as you and me can.

  9. Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Now, I like this quote because it states that without education, we would be in a different world. NO technologhy would have been invented because no one would have studied electronics. We wouldn't be ablle to prevent a depression because no one would have studied history to see where we went wrong. No stories would have been written because no one would have learned to read or write. Young adolescents should definitely use Nelson Mandela's words to help motivate themselves for a higher education. That is why I believe that education and Nelson Mandela's words are so important ro recognize.

  10. I love the quote that Mother Teresa said, Lonelinss and the feeling of being unwnted is the most terrible poverty. i have not had this problem with myself, but I have seen it bfore. I am a missionary and last year I went to newport,TN. We worked many different people, one of the people that we work with was kids. they had that feeling and they were all in poverty and, their parents didn't give them love that just felt lonly and unwanted. I was wondering on that trip why they felt that way and still am, but I feel now that it is poverty problly making their parents ack that way. When we got their none of the kids were happy, so when we go on these kinds of trips that is one of the biggest things we strive for.
    ~Courtney Wetzel
    PS- if anyone has been on a mission trip please share where you have gone and what you did!!!!

  11. The quote that resonates most strongley to me is "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"(Nelson Mandela).I think that this quote means that knowledge can make a bigger difference than any thing else. This can be used in life today by trying to work out problems instead of fighting about it. Young adolescents can benefit from the wisdom of humanitarians by acting like them to make the world a better place. Therefore, the knowledge and wisdom of humanitarians can help everyone to make a difference to the world.

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  13. I chose Martin Luther King`s quote "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". I think that this quote means that what defines a person is not what they do in peace and prosperity, but what he does in times of hardship and strife. This can provide wisdom today because many people act different at different times. Young adolescents can learn from humanitarians that they can help improve the world.

  14. Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is teh Most Powerful weapon which you can use to change teh world". I think it means that knowledge of knowing more of a subject is very helpful and can aid you better than arrogance or simple knowledge. The meaning really is what it is, it's stated Black adn White. A Induvidual in today's world can learn from this quote by learning much more in school or studying harder. A young induvidual can benefit from this act and the explanation once again is stated in black and white. This quote, stated on the first line, was a simple and easy one, that even the littlest induvidual can comprehend.
    ~:3 ^_^ =3=
    ~ (>O3O)>
    ~ <(0~0)>

  15. The saying "be the change you want to see" is a logical saying because if you want peace you should have political confrontations instead of sparking a world war 3.Also if you wanted to improve your grades you should get cracking on your homework. You can not properly accomplish something if you do not embrace what it is. KK

  16. I absolutely agreee with Gandhi's quote,"Be the change you want to see." It shows that you have to work in order to get what you want in life. Nothing that you want comes free to you in life, you work for it. Well, with the exception of Christmas and birthdays, obviously! You don't become magically rich, unless you are smart and give your effort into it! Stealing money doesn't count! Yup, theivery is bad! Well, that's pretty obvious too!

    -Marvin :D

  17. Ghandi once said "be the change you wnat to see" this means you have to work for your goals to happen. Most people just wait for somthing to happen but you have to make it happen. You have to work for what you want in life.

  18. Martin Luther King, a famous humanitarian who fought against discrimination, once said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." A long quote indeed, but it is one well-said, and thought of, and worth spending the time to read. This quote gives the general meaning that to call yourself a man; to repute yourself to the rest of the world as someone who is strong, and well built, you must have more than a mansion built for the gods, and an easy life with no difficulty given by money. You must also stay by your standards in times of confusion and anger; you must have experienced all that there is to experience, in order to show that you are who you claim to be: a real man.
    ~Shweta Veda

  19. Martin Luther king once said "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." I think this means that it dosent matter what you do when things are going good. I think this means what you do when things are hard. What you do when obstacals are in your way. I think Martin Luther king was right it does not matter unless we are trying overcome something or make an ostcal a goal.
    -alex c

  20. the quote i chose is by elenor rosevelt and i belive that it is true.the quote "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".

  21. "be the change you want to see."-Gandhi. it means that dont just sit around and wait for other people to make the change. You be the one to change it. like if you want people to start acting nice then you need to start acting nice.

  22. Be the change you want to see.
    I think this quote means dont try to be who you aren't. Some people these days try to act like they arent the real them. Ghandi can benifit because he was willing to help people.

  23. "Be the change tou want to see"
    i think this quote means that instead of seeing something you want to happen go and make it happen. you shouldnt put it off or wait for someone else to make it happen. if you want it to happen make it happe
    <3 -Mk

  24. i really like gandhis saying about be the change you want to see and i think its just a really cool saying considering that people say i cant change when they i think its cool since many people say that so and so need to change when really it everyone that has something that they can change about them.

  25. The quote I chose was by Gandhi. The quote was "Be the change you want to see." This is my favorite because it is a very inspirational quote. It basically means To be the person you want to see. So, be friendly if you want to see friendly people. It is as simple as that. "be the change you want to see."
    Madeline saylor

  26. " be the change you want to see."
    I think this is such a great quote because in life if you want to see change happen you want to see change happen you must always begin with one step and an end in mind.This makes me think of the young girl who is fighting for girls education.She choose to change her faith and she definately was being the change she wants to see.


  27. "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible povery of all." This very quote is from the Great Mother Teresa , one of the wisest and powerful woman that ever lived! I feel this quote means that even if you have all riches of thw world , without waving no one to share or enjoy it with it's not worth it! Being unwanted and lonly is one of the worst feelings! for example , Scrooge from the Chirstmas Carol was rich but sad and lonley! While he was like that People who were in poverty were happy with their families and friends!

  28. "Loneiness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." -Mother Teresa- I think that this quote means no matter how much money you have, if you are lonely or have the feeling that you are unwanted, you might as well be poor. You cannot buy happiness or friends. You could be the wealthest person alive and still you could be lonely.
    -Maggie O.

  29. Nelsons Mandela's quote, "Education id the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" because education is powerful and you can use it to change the world. Adolescents can benifit from this quote by going to school and have fun learning. They can use their knowledge to change peoples lives and change the world.

  30. When Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see" means be what you want to be and don't let anthing else or anyone change you of what you don't want to be. Also if you want to change, be what you want to be and to not what other people want you to be.
    -Anoushka A.


  32. *"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." -Eleanor Roosevelt

    I chose this quote because it fits perfectly with how our society judges people. Our society is very harsh and cruel, especially to girls. what I think this qoute means is that you allow yourself to be insecure. People will be mean and talk about you. Not everyone is going to like you. You CANNOT be insecure unless you put yourself and down and believe what others say about you. I feel this quote should be heard by everyone because it really makes you think.If someone says they don't like you and call you mean things, it shouldn't affect you unless you listen to them. NOTHING can hurt you unless you let it hurt you. You make the decision wether you listen to it or not. The ONLY person who can judge you is God. No one else has the right to judge you.

  33. I think martin luther's quote is great. The quote is... The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convience , but where he stands at times at times of challenge and controversey. I think this quote means people will see how strong you are in harder times then how strong you are in simple times. people will think you are braver and stronger if you are doing fine in hard times then if you are fine in siple times

  34. The quote that resonated me was the strongest is "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty."-Mother Teresa. I think this quote means that when you are lonely and feeling down or unwanted, you are in the greatest depression. Young adolescents can benefit from the wisdom of humanitarians because they are leaders, and young adolescents usually want to follow leaders and be like them. This is the quote that resonated me the strongest. J.D.

  35. Mother Teresa's quote speaks to me in a very strong way. I think this quote is very powerful to me and many people in the world. The meaning of this quote is many people during her time felt very alone and helpless which is why she tried to help them. Mother Teresa wanted to help people over come their sadness and lonliness that horrible people have brought to them


  36. The quote that I like the best, is the one from Nelson Mandela. What he said is,"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." Basically, what he is trying to say is that if you have the opportunity to be educated, you should take it. If you take the opportunity, then maybe one day, that education that you have can one day change the world to make it better. Young adolescents can benefit, because the younger you are when you learn how to be educated, the better. It can relate to life, because everyday new things are being discovered. Everyone has to do their part to help the world function.

  37. I agree with Gandhi's quote "Be the change you want to see." I totally agree with Gandhi because you can't get anything for free in the world. You have to work towards your goals and then you will see a lot of changes. Most people in this world just wait for things to come easily to them, but it doesn't work that way. That is why this quote really speaks to me.

  38. Gandhi said, "be the change you want to see." I absolutly agree with him. This quote means that if you want this world to change be the person who starts it. If people do this today the world would make a huge difference. Gnadhi did this so people in the world today can do it.

  39. "The ultimate measure of a man is not when he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." I REALLY like this quote because it makes me realize that you are not your strongest in an easy situation, but during hard times! It relates to how the world is today and how many tradgedies there are. I think young adolescents can benefit from this, because it makes them realize how strong they are during thye hard times! And that is definately how Martin Luther King was... VERY STRONG.

  40. "be the change you want to see" -Ghandi
    I strongly relate to this quote because i can see myself getting better. I want to see change because that change will help me get better. To me this guote means if you want to change you want to see yourself better than before. Today in real life people want to see themselfs differently than now. i think young adolescents can benifit from this quote because if they want to change they see themselfs better. And they want to see change so they strive to get there

  41. I chose the quote by Nelson Mandela,"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." I think and agree with him about that statement because nobody would be able to do anything without education. There would be no lights or computers in which I am using right now.

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  43. MLK once said and i qoute " The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convience ,but where he stands at times of challange and conversty" This means to me that it doesnt matter how a man choses somethin thats noncense. What matters is what you choose at important times

  44. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" -Nelson Mandela

    I think this means that your knowledge can be a big help to change something. It could relate and provide wisdom for real life today because if you want to change something, you must at least know something smart before you start the change.
    - J.S.

  45. As Gandhi once said..."Be the change you want to see."I think this quote is very important because in the modern day people ,and sometimes even me, just wait and complain about problems that they face, but don't do anything about them.This quote encourages people to be leaders and humanitarians themselves. I believe that you should be the one to fix your own problems.

    -Shreya s. :)

  46. Nelson Mandela once said, "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." I think that this means that education is very important and can help you in many different situations. I think that this also means that the things you learn can help you make a difference in the world and help someone.I think that this is a great quote because it tells people about the great importance of education.Young adolescents can benefit from the wisdom of these humanitarians because they can learn good advice about their futures.
    -Olivia Brookes

  47. Be the change you want to see. (Gandhi), i chose this quote because it hepls me think about the future and think what im going to do.

  48. This quote seems to make the most sense to me because of the trueness of the quote. If you want something done you can’t wait for someone else to do it, you have to act on it now. This advice is also true today. Many politicians complain about how this could be better, and that can be changed, but many don’t act upon it. If more people acted upon their beliefs now, the world would be a better place ( or a heck of a lot worse). Young adolescents could listen to this now, and undo mistakes of people now.

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  50. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" I think it means the power of knowledge can change the world

  51. "Be the change you want to see", stated by Ghandi. The quote means if you're trying to change into a different person, or change the world, you should try doing something about it. Instead of waiting for someone else to do it, you should do it yourself, or you can do it step by step. If you tried stopping a habit you would do something about it, and do it step by step.

  52. be the change you want to see means be what you wanna be. change into that person you want to be.these quotes give adolecense confidince to make a change in the world.

  53. Ghandi's quote "be the change you want to see" means to me that if you want the world to change and be better, then you have to do it. You can't just expect other people who have the same idea to do it too. You have to influence the change that you want to happen.

  54. the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. (Martin Luther King).What he is saying is that a man shouldn’t be measured by the amount of money he has but what he does with it in or words what a man can do with a little instead of a shadow of a man with a lot.

  55. "be the change you want to see." I think this is important because it basically means that you can change the world and if you want to do it than you can. Gandhi is very wise and important so I believe that this quote is too.

  56. Be the change you want to see.

    That means do what you want to do or what you want to change. That means dont let others do it you do it! In modern day if you want to make a change in saving power. Get of your Xbox and just do it!

    Tanner Mazanetz
    Wacth out for trains

  57. i think the Ghandi quote is impowering and relates to all the worlds events.

    be the change you want to see (ghandi)

  58. be the change you wanna see is a qoute from ghandi. this qoute means that if you wanna change the world then you have to be that change and that if you want the world to be nicer than start being nice or if you want the world to be non violent then you must be non violent.

  59. "Lonlieness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty"-Mother Teresa. I love this quote. To me, it means that it dosen't matter what you have, it is what others think, and how they treat youthat really counts. I have also been lonly or unwanted at times, so I can relate, and to me it feels worse than being bankrupt at the mall. I also think it is a very humanitary quote from Mother Teresa.
    -Katie Greenhut

  60. Gandhi said be the change you want to see. And that means to me that you have to make your own change. Like take action and be productive in whatever you want to change.

  61. the quote i chose was be the change you want to see. to me this means that if there is a problem dont rely on someone to fix it for you. if you want to see change you can help and fix the problem so the resolution turns out how you want to see it. teens can benifit form this because we are the planets future so we need to fix the problems of the world so that they turn out how we want to see them in the future.

  62. "Be the change you want to see." -Gandhi

    This quote means that if you want to see change in other people you have to work hard to change yourself.Its pretty self explanatory "Be the change" means well be the change you wanto see in other people. Once you change others will also.In otherwords "THE GOLDEN RULE" treat others the way you want to be treated!:)

  63. "Be the change you want to see.ganhi". It means try to get to your goal that you have set for youself. It can help young adolecentes think about how they want to help our globel community.

  64. The quote that stood out most to me was Martin Luther King's. I think the quote means that you can never really be sure who a person is unless you see them in a stressful situation and how they act. You could use this and watch your friends to see if they really are as nice as you think.

  65. "Be the change you want to see". ~Gandhi

    this quote is what gandi had said. it means that yuo should be the person and do the things that you want to see in the world. that way you make yourself a better person. and to be good :)..... and umm this can benifit and make you a better person and also others .......................................................................................................................................

  66. Ghandi: "Be the change you want to see."

    This is a good quote for people that sit and complain about the worlds current condition but dont get up and do something about it. People can sit and complain as long as they wish but if the dont do something their complaints mean nothing. If young adolecents take these words and do something with them, the world would be a better place.

  67. Nelson Mandela said that "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." this is a really great qoute because it means that education isn't a waste. It could help you change people's lives. But then again it says that education is a powerful weapon which could mean that if you use it the wrong way it can be dangerous. Adolescents can benefit from this because going to school now can help you save the world later.

  68. be the change you wnt to see. this means that if you want to see change it starts with your decision to try. i thought that this was very inpiring. so you need to be what you think it hould be like

  69. Martin Luther King once said," The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convienience but where he stands in moments of challenge and controvercy. If the school or some random building was burning down, What would you do? Would you be imature and freak out about it or would you be calm and get out so you dont DIE. Life is challenging. YOu cant get around it. Some times it is more challenging than your friends life. You will always be you and you cant change you.

  70. I think Gandhi's quote, "Be the change you want to see," means that if you see something that should be changed- that you want to be changed- don't wait for the next guy to do it, do it yourself. Young adolescence can benifit from their wisdom by relating what their quotes say, to events in their life and it'll help them find a solution.

  71. The quote that sticks out to me is this: 'The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands at times of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.'- Martin Luther King, Jr.
    To me this means that you do not really know yourself and who you are until you are in diofficult situations. It kind of makes me wish tat I could be in situations that require quick decisions more.
    Oh, and people my age can really take this to heart by considering their frendships. Would you- no, will you stand by your friends if the whole world was against them? Would they stand by you?

  72. "Be the change you want to see".(Gandhi) One of the greatist quotes (in my opinion) of all time. when I think of a meaning, for this quote, I think that if you want something to be diffrent in your life, then change it, but do it the way you want it. If everebody remeber's this then, I think the world would be better.


  73. Be the change you want to see~ Ghandi

    i chose this inspireing quote because i love how it is telling you to go out and make a change in the world. The meaning of this quote is to not just tell someone what you want them to do but them to do the change u want and not to just say you want change and sit there and not do it but to get in action and actuallty do it. This realates to everyonr because everyone wants a change.For adolecence this means to stand up in what you belive in and do what you think should change.


  74. Be the change you want to see. (Gandhi)
    I like this one the most because it is very simple, yet it has a big message. It means that if you see something wrong with the world, you can start to change it little by little by changing yourself. So If I saw something wrong, such a homeless shelter low on food. I could bring more. Then others would bring more and more, till the problem was finally resolved. Gandhi was a great example of his own motto, as he started the pacifist-resistance.

  75. Ghandi one said "Be the change you want to see". That is important because everyone can make a difference. One person can start something new<3

  76. Education is the most powerful weapon chich you can use to change the world~Nelson Mandela
    This quoate means to me that education and knowledge can do anything, knowledge is the best weapon. Young adolescents can study harder to prevent poverty and unemployment.

  77. Ghandi. "Be the change you want to see."

    If you want everybody to be nice then you start being nice to whom ever is mean to you. I foy uwant to start a change it can start by just one persons thoughts or ideas. You could start almost anything. What do you think?

  78. “Be the change you want to see.” --Gandhi

    To be able to make a change, you have to set an example for the people you want to help you make this change. If you are doing nothing, nothing will happen. You have to do something to make a change. You get out what you put in.

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  81. Quote: Be the change you want to see- Gandhi

    I think it means that you should follow your own example. Some people don't follow through with their ideas that they promised, or say one thing and do another.

  82. I think my favorite quote is: Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. This quote is very true because with the right education, you can do almost anything. The quote also applies to everyone in life. People can benifit from this quote by doing good in school and always putting in their best effort in schoolwork. Wesley S.

  83. The Quote I liked the most is the quote by Ghandi which states, "Be the change you want to see." I think it means to be what you wish to see. If you want something done you need to go and change it yourself. what young adolescents could benift from this quote is that you could start taking actions to help make the world a better place. If you want to see change, do it yourself.

  84. Martin Luther King Jr. said "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy." This powerful quote means that your personality will shine through when there is trouble. This quote helps people remember to stay calm during hard times.

  85. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent".
    I agree with Eleanor Roosevelt's quote because it brings forth the point that only YOU can decide how the comments of others make you feel. Even if they put you down constantly, it is you who decides to feel bad. You are in control of your self-esteem, and nobody else.

  86. "Be the change you want to see." (Ghandi)

    This quote resonates me the best because it holds alot of meaning behind it. I think this quote means you have to show a good example of what you want done in the future. Young adolescents can benefit from this quote because everybody wants something to change or to be different but no one does anything about it, but this tells you to be the change you want to see.


  87. Be the change you want to see ~Gahndi~

    This quote relates to me, and other people, in alot of ways. It is basically saying that you need to be a leader and change the world. It doesnt have to be a drastic change. Alot of people tend to just sit around and wonder what it would be like if there was a change, but most of them really dont think what would it be like if they were the cahnge.

  88. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Elanor Roosevelt
    I think that she means that no one can make you mad without you thinking about what they said. If someone called you a name and you ignored it, then you wouldn't be mad. On the other hand, if you take that name to heart, then you will be mad at the person.


  89. Be the change you want to see -Gandhi...

    This quote is more of a mothivational quote to me than an inspirational guote. Maybe it's because of my New Year resolutions that I plan on achieving, because I want to become the change I want to see.

  90. The quote that resonated me the most is the quote from Mother Teresa.
    ' Loneliness and feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.'

    This quote is referring to the people who feel very lonely and excluded which make them think they are not the part of the world. I believe that Mother Teresa's quote was very inspiring.

  91. Elenor Roosevelt once said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." This means that whatever people can say or do to make you feel inferior, you control whether you're going to let it get to you. We can use this because many middle schoolers may get picked on or feel like they're not as good someone else.


  92. I chose the quote "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" This means education is an an important thing to people. Education is how people learn how to do miracululous things both in the present and the future. If people take education more seriously, those people will lead to a brighter future for themselves and others to live in. Young adolescents of the world need to appreciate education to learn how to do miraculuous things to improve the world and be a better leader to others and the self.

    Optional File #78 of Agent of SHU (Super Hero Union)
    Energy Dynamo AKA Blue Hulk AKA James Geum

  93. "Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty." ~Mother Teresa

    To me, this quote has two sides; there is a positive and negative message you can get from it. You can take it in a happy way. Even if you have nothing to spare, are homeless, or don't gain income, you can still feel whole if you have friends and family who enjoy your company. However, there is also a more depressing messge to come from this; feeling unwanted and having no one there for you is the worst loss. Maybe not physicallu- you could have a luxurious home and all the money in the world- but, mentally. When you are alone, it's easy to forgot all the materials you possess, and easier to focus on your loneliness and lack of company. This quote really shows how important it is to reach out a hand or become a friend to someone who doesn't have any others.


  94. "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
    - Martin Luther King
    Ths quote states that it isn't how well someone handles a calm, simple situation, but it's how well they handle tough and confusing situations that shows how great of a person they are.

  95. The Quote from MLK is an excellent quote because it shows how true greatness is achieved not by how well you do in tranquil times, but how well you do when it is hard. You do not get famous for doing something easy, but for doing something hard. solving one huge, hard problem with few resources to work with is more prestigious than doing many, quick easy problems with the answers only a page turn away

  96. My quoate is from Eleanor Roosevelt.This quote to me means that the only way for another person to make you feel less than is if 7you let them.This provides wisdom to the people of today by showing them that its better to ingore an insult.Young adolecents can follow he same thing and stops others from being put-down.
    Alex Shells

  97. The quote that resonates strongest with me is Martin Luther King's quote, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands in moments of comfort and controversy." I think it means that a man's real talent and true appearance shows when things come about unplanned and unexpectedly and must be faced using instinct. It can relate and provide wisdom for real life today because it's saying that people are going to judge you, and want to see you, as who you really are. People can benefit from this because thyey will realize that being yourself is the best that yoyu can be, especially when you are around other people. Because if you fake who you are, you will meet fake people and meet fake friends. If you show who you really are, you will meet real people and make true friends, those who will always be there for you. I think this quote portrays a good lesson for people to know if they really understand what Martin Luther King is saying. And that's all I have to say about that. :)
    -Jenna H.

  98. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ~Nelson Mandela. In my opinion, that's true. The more you know, the more the world knows. If you contribute one thing, it can change the way things work. We could be using robots, or turning on lights with the clap of hands. And kids today can benefit from their teachersand school after reading this inspiring quote. A few words can mean a lot.

  99. "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent" - Eleanor Roosevelt
    I like this quote because it really speaks to people, like me, who are sometimes insecure. Sometimes people are threatened by rude comments and petty insults at school that are only meant to humor but go deeper than the speaker expected. It isn't that person's fault, but the person who let it go too far. It isn't right to say mean things, so don't get me wrong, but most of the time the "bully" thought that the person that was hurt thought that it was a joke too. The person who the jokes were directed at let those words go to far that it hurt. That person needs to just blow those words off and know that they are awesome just the way they are. That's how people get so confident!

    Fredward the Unicorn
    P.S. "You haven't changed my friend, you still speak in riddles." Aragorn/Strider
    P.P.S. I do NOT! -<@

  100. “ Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.” – Mother Teresa
    The quote by Mother Teresa relates to me the most, because I’ve experienced it before. Also, I think that this quote means that no one wanted to be alone, and people want to be liked and appreciated by others. Young adolescents can benefit from all of these quotes, but I feel that most can relate strongly to this one.
    - R.G  :)

  101. Be the change you want to see qouted by gandhi. It means you need to work hard to reach your goals and to make a differnce. Its important for young kids like us to follow this so we can make a difference.
